We are offering Summer 2021 courses online. The list of online summer courses and descriptions are available here: https://www.hawaii.edu/sls/summer-2021/. Please also see flyer below for online courses offered as part of the Multilingual Multicultural Summer Institute.
UH students can register for summer through STAR. If you are a SLS student, please check with your advisor prior to registration.
For non-UH students, please see steps below:
1) Apply to the Outreach College (https://www.outreach.hawaii.edu/admissions-and-aid/applying-to-outreach-college-2/how-to-apply/) by downloading a credit course application and residency form. Submit the completed form to ochelp@hawaii.edu via UH File Drop.
2) Complete the health clearance form and send your completed form to uhsm@hawaii.edu via UH File Drop. This form may be rejected if it is not fully completed and signed in both sections by a U.S. licensed medical practitioner. For more details, please visit https://www.hawaii.edu/shs/health_clearance/.
Please contact us at sls@hawaii.edu if you have any questions!