Congratulations to PhD students In Ji Sera Chun and Jieun Kim, who were both shortlisted for “The New Directions East Asia Best Student Research Idea 2021” award, sponsored by British Council. In support of their proposal, both Sera and Jieun gave presentations at the online New Directions East Asia 2021 conference on December 11th.
Sera presented her proposal “Using group dynamic assessment to diagnose and develop coherence and cohesion in L2 learners’ writing” while Jieun presented her proposal “Test-takers’ perceptions of the TOEFL iBT Home Edition: Insights from a Korean online TOEFL community”.
“The New Directions East Asia Best Student Research Idea 2021” award provides a platform for graduate students to present and share their ideas as they embark on their academic career, while furthering the field of language assessment. Jieun’s and Sera’s presentations can be viewed at the following link: Jieun’s presentation
begins at 3:07 and Sera’s begins at 6:05. Congratulations Sera and Jieun!