Windows: McAfee VSE 8.5 Autoupdates to Patch 8

SUMMARY: Windows: McAfee VSE 8.5 Autoupdates to Patch 8
POSTED ON: 08/07/2009
REPORTER: Jocelyn Kasamoto (jocelyn)
START TIME: Jul 21 12:37 PM
END TIME: Aug 21 12:00 AM
DESCRIPTION: It's been tested and confirmed that McAfee VirusScan Enterprise (VSE) 8.5 with patch 5 (or 6) installed, autoupdates to patch 8 from the UH FTP repository during its regular autoupdate schedule.

This is something new that we discovered for non-managed nodes, i.e. computers without ePO agent installed. Previously, only computers with ePO agent installed could get patches deployed through ePO server. Patch 8 was deployed over the weekend through ePO server which replicated to UH FTP.

So... there is no need to uninstall/reinstall VSE 8.5 to get patch 8!!! As long as your VSE 8.5 is scheduled to autoupdate daily from UH FTP, it should have received patch 8.

To Verify that Patch 8 is Installed:
Right click vshield icon in system tray.
Click "About VirusScan Enterprise".
"Installed Patches" should report 8.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 956-8883, email, or call (800) 558-2669 toll free from the neighbor islands.