Confidential Advocates, Health Services, and Mental Health Counselors are designated as confidential resources on your campus.

If applicable, and as defined under Victim-Counselor Privilege (Rule 505.5, Hawaii Rules of Evidence), “confidential” communications, regarding sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, or child abuse, between a “victim” and a “victim counselor” (including a “confidential advocate”) are considered privileged. All other communications with a Confidential Resource will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law.

Confidential Resources provide a variety of services including:

  • Mental health support and counseling
  • Safety Planning
  • Navigating your rights and resources on and off campus
  • Assistance with deciding whether you would like to report to the University
  • Assistance with reporting to local police


Office or Person Info

Jamie Newalu

Confidential Mānoa Advocate

Campus: Mānoa

The confidential Mānoa Advocate provides confidential advocacy services and case management to UH Mānoa students, faculty or staff who may have experienced sex-based discrimination, harassment, or violence (including dating and domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, and sexual assault) who are affiliated with the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. Please reach out to discuss your options (i.e. reporting, interventions, support) both within and outside of UH Mānoa. Services that the Mānoa Advocate can offer are referrals, counseling, advocacy, safety planning, and dispute resolution as appropriate to your personal circumstances.

Mānoa Advocate Email: or

Confidential Mānoa Advocate

  • (808) 956-9499
  • 2600 Campus Road
    QLCSS 210

Haydee Jutz

Confidential "Mānoa General Advocate"

Campus: Mānoa

The General Advocate at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa provides confidential counseling, support and advocacy to students, faculty, and staff on issues including grievance procedures, discrimination, workplace violence, sexual harassment and sex-based misconduct. This role also involves crisis response, safety planning, and collaboration with various campus units. Additionally, the position assists individuals in navigating grievance procedures, academic and conduct codes, and facilitating both on-campus and off-campus resources.

  • 808-956-4880
  • 2600 Campus Road
    Queen Lili'uokalani Center for Student Services 212V

UH Mānoa Counseling and Student Development Center

Campus: Mānoa

The Counseling and Student Development Center (CSDC) offers support to UHM students, staff, and faculty to assist with personal, academic, and career concerns. All services are confidential and most are free of charge for Mānoa students. They also offer free consultation to faculty and staff on personal and student-related issues as well. CSDC office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. They also offer immediate walk in appointments for urgent or emergency/crisis services during their regular daily hours.

UHM Counseling and Student Development Center

  • (808) 956-7927
  • 2600 Campus Road
    Queen Liliʻuokalani Center for Student Services 312
    Honolulu, HI 96822

University Health Services Manoa

Campus: Mānoa

The University Health Services Mānoa (UHSM) is staffed by physicians, nurse clinicians, nurses, and other support staff, and offers a wide range of medical services and programs to UH Mānoa students, with many of the services also available to UH Mānoa faculty and staff and students from other UH campuses. Services include general medical care on a walk-in basis; women’s health, sports medicine, psychiatry, and dermatology clinics by appointment; pharmacy and clinical laboratory; and student training, employment, and volunteer opportunities.

University Health Services Mānoa

  • (808) 956-8965
  • 1710 East-West Road
    Honolulu, HI 96822


Office or Person Info

UH Hilo Counseling Services

Campus: Hilo

Counseling Services provides personal counseling, consultation, and coaching in a supportive environment to encourage students to develop their unique potential. Counseling Services provides a safe setting where students can improve mental health and wellness, and define and achieve academic and personal goals.

UHH Counseling Services

  • (808) 932-7465
  • 200 W. Kawili St.
    Student Services Building (SSB) E-203
    Hilo, HI 96720

UH Hilo Student Medical Services

Campus: Hilo

The University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo’s Student Medical Services (SMS) is staffed by a nurse practitioner. Services include medical care, prescriptions, first aid, health education, tuberculin skin tests, and immunizations. The Family Planning Clinic, located within the SMS, offers pelvic exams, contraceptive methods, and testing for pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases for men and women. Hilo Medical Center, located about four miles from campus, provides 24-hour emergency care.

UHH Student Medical Services

  • 200 W. Kawili St.
    Campus Center and Bookstore 212
    Hilo, HI 96720

Suzy Travis

Confidential Advocate/Prevention Educator

Campus: Hilo

UH Hilo Title IX

  • (808) 932-7899
  • 200 W. Kawili St
    Busn Ed & Tech Bldg. 131
    Hilo, HI 96720

West O'ahu

Office or Person Info

UH West O‘ahu Counseling Services

Campus: West O'ahu

UH West O‘ahu offers free and confidential mental health services for all enrolled students. Services are provided by a qualified mental health professional and include individual and group therapy, couples counseling, and psychological assessment. Walk-in appointments are welcome and participation is completely voluntary. General inquiries about health and wellness are encouraged.

UHWO Counseling Services

  • (808) 689-2678
  • 91-1001 Farrington Highway
    UH West O‘ahu Campus Center Building C236
    Kapolei, HI 96707

Hawai'i Community College

Office or Person Info

Kate De Soto

Mental Health Therapist

Campus: Hawai'i Community College

  • (808) 934-2825
  • 1175 Manono Street
    Bldg 379A, Rm. 2
    Hilo, HI 96720

Hawai‘i Community College Health Services

Campus: Hawai'i Community College

  • (808) 974-7636
  • 200 W. Kawili St.
    Main Campus, Campus Center 212
    Hilo, HI 96720

Honolulu Community College

Office or Person Info

Miki Takushi, LMHC, NCC - Honolulu Community College Wellness Center

Mental Health Professional

Campus: Honolulu Community College

The Wellness Center provides free, confidential and short-term counseling services to students currently enrolled at Honolulu Community College (HonCC). Participation is completely voluntary. Counseling and consultation services are strength-based and solution-focused to help students manage personal life issues and navigate their college experience.

Services begin with an initial appointment to assess needs and complete paperwork. These consultation sessions are typically 30-45 minutes in length and will help determine next steps in providing the appropriate level of support. A student whose needs exceed the scope of HonCC Wellness Center’s services will be referred to community resources or providers.

• Supportive short-term counseling
• Crisis counseling
• Personal Wellness Screenings: (Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Alcohol)
• Referrals to campus and community agencies
• Workshops or presentations to student groups
• Title IX Confidential Space

• Consultation with faculty, staff and administrators
• Tabling Events on Campus
• Classroom Presentations
• Educational programming occurs when time and staffing resources permit

Honolulu CC Wellness Center

  • (808) 845-9180
  • 874 Dillingham Blvd.
    Counseling, Building 5 117
    Honolulu, HI 96817

Kapi'olani Community College

Office or Person Info

Brooke Conway

Student Affairs Counselor

Campus: Kapi'olani Community College

For support and referral services.

Kapiʻolani CC Confidential Space

  • (808) 734-9585
  • 4303 Diamond Head Road
    ‘Iliahi 118
    Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96816

Cathy Wehrman

Student Affairs Counselor

Campus: Kapi'olani Community College

For support and referral services.

Kapiʻolani CC Confidential Space

  • (808) 734-9504
  • 4303 Diamond Head Road
    ‘Iliahi 201
    Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96816

Kapiʻolani Community College Health Services (See University Health Services Mānoa)

Campus: Kapi'olani Community College

Kapiʻolani Community College does not provide on campus health services. Students from KCC may use the services at University Health Services Mānoa (UHSM) with a surcharge on the first visit, and another surcharge on the second visit of each semester, after which they are eligible to the same services at the same charges as regular UH Mānoa students. KCC is unable, at this time, to finance the high operating and maintenance costs of an on site health clinic. Also, because KCC is a commuter campus, there is little demand for on site services.

Health Services (See UHM Health Services)

Kaua'i Community College

Office or Person Info

'Jaye' Jie Shen, ATR, LMHC she/her/hers

Registered Art Therapist & Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Campus: Kaua'i Community College

Kaua‘i Community College Mental Health Counseling offers personal counseling, consultation, and coaching to help students improve their mental health and wellness.

  • (808) 245-8346
  • 3-1901 Kaumualii Hwy
    Hale Mālama | Kauai Community College - UH LRC 120
    Lihue, HI 96766

Kaua‘i Community College Wellness Center

Campus: Kaua'i Community College

All services are confidential, and most services are free of charge.

Kaua'i CC Wellness Center

  • (808) 245-8307
  • 3-1901 Kaumuali‘i Highway
    Lihue, HI 96766-9500

Brian Kohatsu, LCSW, CSAC, ICADC

Mental Health Counselor, Kaua‘i Community College Mental Health Counseling

Campus: Kaua'i Community College

Kaua‘i Community College Mental Health Counseling offers personal counseling, consultation, and coaching to help students improve their mental health and wellness.

Kaua'i CC Mental Health Counseling

  • (808) 245-8314
  • 3-1901 Kaumuali‘i Hwy.
    Lihue, HI 96766

Leeward Community College

Office or Person Info

Dr. Eunice Kwon

Clinical Psychologist, Veterans Affairs

Campus: Leeward Community College

The Veterans in Transition to Academic Leadership (VITAL) program serves as part of the on-campus face of the VA to address the unique needs of Veterans in college.

  • (808) 455-0651
  • 96-045 Ala ‘Ike Street
    BS 103
    Pearl City, HI 96782

Mental Health and Wellness

Campus: Leeward Community College

Free and Confidential mental health services are available to all Leeward CC students. In-person and telehealth appointments are available Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm.

Lori Lum, LMHC
(808) 455-0652

Audrey Duque, MSCP
(808) 455-0632

Zoey Lau, LCSW
(808) 455-0230

Leeward Community College Student Health Center

Campus: Leeward Community College

Leeward Community College Student Health Center has a physician and registered nurse on staff to offer high quality healthcare for students, faculty, and staff members.

LCC Student Health Center

  • (808) 455-0515
  • 96-045 Ala ‘Ike Street
    AD 122
    Pearl City, HI 96782

Maui College

Office or Person Info

Aris Banaag

UHMC Personal Support Counselor

Campus: Maui College

UHMC's Personal Support Counseling office is available on the Kahului campus for students interested in short-term, individual or group counseling, and crisis services.

UHMC Personal Support Counseling

  • (808) 984-3278
  • 310 W. Ka‘ahumanu Avenue
    Pilina 121
    Kahului, HI, 96732

UHMC Health Center

UHMC Health Center

Campus: Maui College

The Campus Health Center provides affordable and accessible health care to UHMC students, faculty and staff. The facility is managed with emphasis on health promotion. HMSA, HMAA, UHA and most other insurances are accepted. The center is unable to accept Kaiser or other HMO insurances. Please call to see if your insurance is accepted. Appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are welcome.

UHMC Health Center

  • (808) 984-3493
  • 310 W. Ka‘ahumanu Ave
    Health Center
    Kahului, HI 96732

Windward Community College

Office or Person Info

Desrae Kahale

Mental Health Counselor

Campus: Windward Community College

Windward Community College Advocate Website

  • (808)235-7393
  • 45-720 Keaʻahala Rd.
    Hale Kakoʻo Room 101
    Kaneohe, HI 96744