Resolution Expressing the Manoa Faculty’s Understanding of Shared Governance


Presented to the Mānoa Faculty Senate by the Senate Executive Committee for a vote of the full senate on February 17, 2021, a resolution describing multiple levels of faculty voice, including consultation, between faculty and administration in shared governance.  Approved by the Mānoa Faculty Senate on February 17, 2021 with 57 votes (100.0%) in support; 0 opposed; and 2 abstentions. 


WHEREAS, the Mānoa Faculty Senate by BOR Policy 1.210 has a voice in academic goals, policies, and programs in providing advice to Mānoa Administration; and

WHEREAS, Executive Policy A3.101 calls for the Mānoa Faculty Senate to review any proposed reorganization; and

WHEREAS, in the spirit of shared governance, Mānoa administrators often seek Mānoa faculty views on a variety of matters, and

WHEREAS, Mānoa faculty members are appointed, serve, and voice opinions on a variety of committees, boards, task forces, etc.; and

WHEREAS, the Mānoa Faculty Senate understands shared governance to be a productive, collegial and appropriate cooperation between the Mānoa faculty and the Mānoa Administration; and

WHEREAS the Mānoa Faculty Senate follows AAUP’s guidance that shared governance is based on interdependence, communication, planning, and joint effort among the components of an institution;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the variety of ways in which faculty voice is solicited and heard represents a continuum along a path of shared governance; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mānoa Faculty Senate recognizes three broad categories of faculty voice: (1)  Mānoa Administration invitation to non-senate committees, (2) Mānoa Faculty Senate nomination to non-senate committees, and (3) Consultation, i.e. a written request from the Mānoa Administration to the Mānoa Faculty Senate whose response represents the official voice of the Mānoa Faculty; and

BE  IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Mānoa Faculty Senate views consultation as a multi-stage process. Therefore, the following describes the consultation process: information sharing, providing feedback, dialogue/active participation between Mānoa Faculty and Administration, the written proposal, and continued dialogue. This information and examples are detailed in the attached document.

Supporting document:

Guidance on Shared Governance