University of Hawaiʻi - West Oʻahu James and Abigail Campbell Library, 2nd Floor 91-1001 Farrington Highway, Kapolei, HI 96707-4507 (808) 689-2760 - FAX (808) 689-2761 |
The Center for Labor Education and Research (CLEAR) was established in 1976 by State Law, HRS §304A-1601 et seq. (Act 202). CLEAR is now a part of the University of Hawai‘i - West O‘ahu. Like the many other University & College Labor Studies programs nationally, the Hawai‘i Center for Labor provides labor education, research and labor-related programs to workers, their organizations, university students, and the general public through a variety of methods including credit and non-credit classes, seminars, workshops, publications and the use of the public media. By statute, the Center is guided and advised a Labor Education and Advisory Council, appointed by the President of the University.
Since 2022, the UH Board of Regents has approved a 15-credit (five 3 credit classes) Labor Studies Certificate open to students at UHWO and others interested in pursuing an academic Labor Studies program.
CLEAR is Located on the second floor of the James and Abigail Campbell Library on the UHWO Kapolei campus 91-1001 Farrington Highway, Rooms B215 to B226.
CLEAR operates with program fees, endowment income from the Art Rutledge Endowment in Labor Studies, and an allocation from the University of Hawai‘i to accomplish its legislative mandate to provide educational programs on a non-profit basis to workers and their organizations and publishes a variety of books and handbooks and, as funds become available, produces the public television program, Rice & Roses.
Other publications of the Center include individualized workshop packets designed to accompany the Center's non-credit classes, such as the CLEAR programs on Labor History, Workers' Compensation, Grievance Handling, Labor Law, Collective Bargaining, Preventing Sexual Harassment, Conflict Resolution and Leadership Skills. Like its research projects, the Center's seminars and educational programs are all designed to be of practical use to workers. As much as possible, CLEAR faculty will individualize and tailor its non-credit classes to fit the special needs and schedules of the labor organizations requesting them. To complement each of these primary activities of the Center, CLEAR also maintains a local labor history archive, a labor-relations research library. The research library contains the basic BNA services and subscriptions as well as many supplemental materials.
For appointments please e-mail or call 689-2760 on O‘ahu and leave either a message there or for whichever faculty you may be interested in contacting.
NOTE: The University of Hawai‘i is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution and is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, and veteran status. This policy covers admission and access to, and participation, treatment and employment in the University's programs, activities, and services.