About Us
The University of Hawaii Women’s Campus Club, (which began in 1908 as the Women’s Club of the College of Hawaii), was established in 1920 to promote fellowship among members and the University community, and to encourage scholarship, and render services to the University.
Our membership traditionally includes men and women of the University community and has evolved to invite membership to those who share our mission of awarding grants and scholarships, offering activities, including lectures, tours, excursions to historical sites, museums, luncheons.
In 1971, the WCC Thrift Shop was established in a cottage on the edge of the Manoa campus. Our mission has been to award grants to departments throughout the UH system, with all Thrift Shop proceeds awarded annually.
Applications for grants are accepted from all campuses of the University system. Through its grants program, the WCC has awarded over half a million dollars over the past 50 years. We also have an endowment at the UH Foundation, The Leora Parmalee Dean Scholarship, providing scholarships to students.
In 2020 we moved from the original cottage to our current location Hemenway Hall 101, 2445 Campus Road, adjacent to Campus Center.
Grant application forms may be downloaded on our website at hawaii.edu/wcc or will be provided upon request.
We also publish The Exchange, a monthly newsletter of housing rentals.
The Women’s Campus Club welcomes all who support our mission to encourage scholarship, render service to the University of Hawai’i, and to promote fellowship.
We are grateful for the generous support over the years of our faithful University and community ohana.
Thrift Shop
In 1971 the WCC opened a Thrift Shop on the UH Manoa campus to raise funds for grants to be awarded to UH departments, for research and equipment to benefit faculty, students and staff. Applications for grants are accepted from all campuses within the University system. Through its grants program the WCC Thrift Shop has awarded over a half million dollars over the years. The funds generated by the WCC Thrift Shop go toward the annual grants awarded to UH departments applicants. Please see the Grants page on this site.
Annual Fall Tea
We hold an Annual Fall Tea at College Hill, to welcome newcomers to the University community and to encourage networking and fellowship, and Winter and Spring Luncheon Business Meetings, with a speaker.
The Women’s Campus Club invites to membership all who wish to join our mission to encourage scholarship at, render service to, and promote fellowship in the University of Hawaii. Annual membership fees is $20.
The WCC has supported student scholarships annually through the Leora Parmalee Dean Scholarship Fund at the UH Foundation.