computer and writing conference 2004: writing in globalization

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honolulu, hi, june 10-13 2004

call for proposals submit a proposal subscribe to discussions facilities registration travel and accommodations program


Host Departments
KapCC Language Arts
UHM English

C&W Online

Conference Historical Weblog

Graduate Research Network

Online Room Reservations
at Pacific Beach Hotel
Group Offer = cw2004
Promo = cw2004

Pre-conference Workshops

Past Conferences

Hawai'i Links

Conference Flyer

Email conference plannerss:

Conference Phone: 808.734.9331

Postal Address:
Department of Language Arts
Kalia 101
Kapi'olani Community College
4303 Diamond Head Road
Honolulu, Hawai'i 96816 USA
attention: Kirkpatrick/cw2004

Conference Site Proposal
November 2002

The University of Hawai'i s an
equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.



Please indicate your workshop choices on the Conference Registration Form.


Thursday, June 10--9:00 am - 12:00 pm

W1 EthnoTechno Pedagogies

W2 Integrating Global and Local Control: A Workshop in Cascading Style Sheets for Composition Teachers Who Want to Create Consistent Web Sites or Use a concrete Web Example to Teach a Rhetorical Approach to Style

W3 Introduction to Teaching Web-based Projects

Thursday, June 10--1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

W4 It's No Game: Serious Work/Play in the Classroom/on the Internet/in 3-D Environments

W5 The Learning Record Online: The New Wave of Online Portfolio-based Assessment

W6 Making Decisions: Evaluating Writing Technologies for Distance-Learning Learning Environments

Thursday, June 10--9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Graduate Research Network (on the UH-Manoa Campus)

W7 Critical Play: Computer Gaming and Media Analysis

W8 Re-visioning Composition with XML and EMMA

Saturday, June 12--8:00 am - 11:00 am

W9 Sustainable Technology-Rich Education: Technological Activism and Learner-Centered Pedagogy


Graduate Research Network (free!)

Janice R. Walker

The Graduate Research Network is a forum for discussion of research projects and work in progress related to Computers and Writing. The C&W Graduate Research Network is an all-day pre-conference event, open to all registered conference participants at no charge.

Roundtable discussions will group those with similar interests and discussion leaders who will facilitate discussion and offer suggestions for developing research projects and for finding suitable venues for publication. We encourage anyone interested or involved in graduate education and scholarship--students, professors, mentors, and interested others--to participate in this important event. The GRN welcomes those pursuing work at any stage, from those just beginning to consider ideas to those whose projects are ready to pursue publication.

Use the online submission form at <>,
or send brief (100-200 word) abstracts, in hard copy and on 3.5-inch IBM-formatted diskette, to:

Janice R. Walker
Coordinator, CW2004 Graduate Research Network
Department of Writing and Linguistics
Georgia Southern University
P.O. Box 8026
Statesboro, GA 30460

Submissions may also be sent by email to:
All electronic files must be in IBM-readable format, please.

All submissions must include the following information:

  • Your name
  • Institutional affiliation
  • Email address
  • The topic or theme of your project
  • Statement of goals
  • Title of your project
  • 100-200 word abstract or discussion of project
  • URL if available

If you will need any equipment to present your project or work-in-progress (LCD projectors, network connections, pc, overhead projectors, etc.), please specify. (We cannot guarantee availability of equipment, but we will try to make available what we can.) Please bring printouts or handouts, if appropriate, with your name, university affiliation, and contact information, an abstract of your project, and any research questions you may have, to share with 12-15 people since we cannot guarantee the availability of technical resources. You may also bring along a laptop with locally-saved files if you prefer.

Submissions received by April 20, 2004, will be included in the printed program!
If you cannot make the April 20 deadline, you can still participate in the Graduate Research Network. Contact for more information.

Discussion Leaders
We are seeking experienced researchers, mentors, editors, and others willing to volunteer to serve as Discussion Leaders for the Graduate Research Network at C&W 2004. If you are interested in being a part of this exciting project, use the online submission form and check "Discussion Leader." We also hope you will encourage your graduate students to be part of this special event.

Half-day Morning Workshops $35
(Please note that W9 Sustainable Technology-Rich Education: Technological Activism and Learner-Centered Pedagogy will take place on Saturday, June 12 from 8:00 am - 11:00 am.)

W1 EthnoTechno Pedagogies
Thursday, June 10 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Amy Hawkins

Suzanne Blum Malley

This interactive workshop focuses on the ways in which technology can be implemented in order to honor the literacies with which students enter the classroom, the many different dialects and languages with which they already deftly interpret the world. In providing the opportunity for students to write about what they know and have experienced in the context of the academy, we work to create a space for student writing that un-writes traditional academic discourse.

How can technology and ethnography be understood in conversation with each other, rather than as viewing either aspect-technology or ethnography-as a mere tool for the teaching of writing? Technology allows for the possibility of non-traditional, post-colonial view of language and communication. The workshop will include the examination of online communities, the implementation and use of technologies such as discussion boards and BLOGs in the writing of field notes, and the presentation and exploration of student work and reflection. Participants will explore connections among student literacies, languages, cultures and technologies. Through grassroots, student-centered classroom pedagogies, participants will address the dichotomy between globalization and de-colonization.

W2 Integrating Global and Local Control: A Workshop in Cascading Style Sheets for Composition Teachers Who Want to Create Consistent Web Sites or Use a concrete Web Example to Teach a Rhetorical Approach to Style
Thursday, June 10 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Benninghoff, Steve

William Hart-Davidson

Steve Krause

This half-day workshop will provide individualized direction for composition teachers who seek to employ Cascading Style Sheets for their course web sites, providing instruction on building style sheets, linking to multiple web pages, and so publishing consistent web sites, and designing attractive, usable pages. Course Web sites, Internet resources, and online communication tools are a standard option for teachers of writing today. Yet, many teachers who have made the move online may not have the time to learn more developed techniques like Cascading Style Sheets, which can supply not only a means of global design and control, but new pedagogical avenues to illustrate rhetorical concepts, such as style. With three instructors facilitating the workshop, participants will benefit from significant guidance within each step of the web production process. Ideally, participants will come prepared to modify a web site or set of pages for a specific course, which will be modified using Cascading Style Sheets, to facilitate uniform look and feel, or used in a course "webzine," or to open up discussions of content and style, and used for their courses immediately after the workshop. The workshop facilitators will offer specific advice so each participant can create usable web sites.

Topics that will be covered in the workshop will include the following:

Cascading Style Sheet basic text formatting
Layout and Document
Structure with CSS
The Layering Effect of CSS (hence "cascading")
Questions of Style and Content and their illustration with CSS

W3 Introduction to Teaching Web-based Projects
Thursday, June 10 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Amy Kimme Hea

Melinda Turnley

Susan Swan

We want to engage the particular aesthetic and technical components of Web production and publication. In our half-day workshop, we will offer strategies for developing and managing rhetorical web-based projects. Drawing upon our own experiences as coordinators of instructor training in computer classrooms and teachers of web-based projects, we will work with participants to build frameworks for creating effective and empowering web-based pedagogies. We will begin our workshop by offering a rhetoric of web development assignment. Through small group discussions, hands-on activities, and other supplemental materials, participants will be introduced to basic design principles, technical issues, a range of potential web-based projects, and WWW project management. Participants will leave our workshop with the tools necessary both to understand a range of rhetorical possibilities for the WWW and to begin developing their own contextualized web-based projects.

Half-day Afternoon Workshops $35

W4 It's No Game: Serious Work/Play in the Classroom/on the Internet/in 3-D Environments
Thursday, June 10 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Chisholm, Julie

Heather Bigley

Patrick McKercher

Mark Arnold

This workshop is a hands-on, multidimensional introduction to preparing college students for the 21st century employment world. Participants will have the opportunity to investigate efficiently integrated online, 2-and-3D learning projects created by instructors at the University of Houston and University of California, Santa Cruz. Special emphasis will be placed on transcending traditional classroom boundaries and making global connections in order to promote awareness and understanding of the post-graduate work culture. Participants will leave the workshop with a sense of the scope and potential of live, interactive learning environments and tools for integrating 2-D course management systems with 3-D simulation software. Welcome to the future!

Participants will be able to play and evaluate some of the games used in technical writing courses such as off-the-shelf computer games (e.g. Roller Coaster Tycoon, Restaurant Empire), played collaboratively, as tools promoting systems thinking and simulation which offers an interactive and dynamic method of testing the technology student's knowledge of career concepts. One course shared at this workshop is a WAC/WID honors course in human resource management/business writing taught partly on the Internet, developed specifically for hospitality industry majors, which integrates online, 2-and-3D applications to help students see and present themselves more clearly as valuable employees. Participants will tour the online "Virtual Hotel" developed for this course, remotely led by student volunteers four time zones away. A similar demonstration of a course shows a prototype virtual company housed in a virtual reality 3D headquarters, with students, industry professionals and artificial intelligence avatars playing roles in a simulation to produce end-user documentation, proposals and other types of technical writing. Participants will get a preview of this cutting-edge course under construction, and have the opportunity to contribute to its development via discussion.

A director of an Intercultural Education Alliance, will expand on the collaborative nature of online 3D environments, and explain how national and international educational institutions and corporate agencies have utilized these environments to create distance mentoring programs and facilitate unique partnerships between students and professionals.

In closing, representatives from several international universities will join the workshop via an online, 3D chat, in the hope of laying the groundwork for future global collaborations.

W5 The Learning Record Online: The New Wave of Online Portfolio-based Assessment
Thursday, June 10 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Bill Wolff

Peg Syverson

People learn best when they have the opportunity to explore a subject in terms of its theoretical grounding, concrete application, and social context. The Learning Record Online (LRO), is an online portfolio-based system that creates an environment in which teachers and students can observe and assess a student's learning process over a period of time. The Learning Record system differs from traditional portfolio systems by providing instructors with an ability to begin to more fully understand how their assignments are engaging students and affecting their learning process. In the workshop, participants will learn about the rhetorical and sociological theories that frame the Learning Record system; explore the Learning Record Online web-to-database application; evaluate and discuss sample student Learning Record portfolios; and participate in a discussion that explores the classroom and administrative implications of adopting the Learning Record Online.

The Learning Record system should be of particular interest to instructors and administrators seeking a reliable, pedagogically sound alternative to online course management systems (Blackboard, WebCT) that can be implemented at the classroom, department, and university levels. The Learning Record provides a way of accounting for learning that is richer and more meaningful than standardized testing, yet provides much more consistency and comparability across student populations than conventional portfolio assessment. Teachers reading Learning Records in pairs in public moderation readings help assure the quality of teachers' judgments, while sharing best practices and learning together.

W6 Making Decisions: Evaluating Writing Technologies for Distance-Learning Learning Environments
Thursday, June 10 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Lisa Cahill

Colleen A. Reilly

Kevin Eric DePew

Veronica Pantoja

Susan K. Miller

Shelley Rodrigo

Teddi Fishman

Douglas Eyman

This workshop seeks to support the intersection between the tides of web-based writing classes and the waves of diversified student and instructor populations by encouraging thoughtful currents in web-based writing class designs. We will begin this half-day workshop by eliciting participants' goals for developing and/or revising their distance education writing courses. Subsequently, we will address how to identify, choose, and use software to accomplish specific rhetorical goals. A software overview will include:

(1) open source and shareware that are widely and inexpensively available;
(2) pre-packaged course management applications, the use of which is often dictated by institutional policies (e.g. WebCT, Blackboard); and
(3) various other writing and communication technologies (e.g. email, IM, MOOs, MS Word, PowerPoint, web sites).

Workshop participants can expect to leave having worked through several heuristics for selecting and evaluating writing and communication technologies in the context of a global learning environment.

Full-day Workshops $70

W7 Critical Play: Computer Gaming and Media Analysis
Thursday, June 10 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Ken McAllister

David Menchaca

Lonni Pearce

Jeffrey Reed

Judd Ruggill

Games, in short, make learning both fun and transparent. But what exactly do computer games teach college students? And what could they teach them under more controlled circumstances? This workshop will walk participants through a variety of currently popular computer games and game genres, facilitating a conversation about how games may be used effectively in classrooms to help students critically analyze both new and established media. The leaders of this workshop will use their extensive experience in teaching with and studying computer games to help interested teachers imagine new ways to integrate these nearly ubiquitous technologies into their curricula.

In the first half of the workshop, participants will be familiarized with the major game genres (first-person shooter, role-playing, real-time strategy, simulation, massive multi-player online, etc.) and will be given hands-on experience with each. The second half of the workshop will have the participants focus their hands-on work in ways that address their specific professional needs. Based on the participants' pedagogical diversity, teachers will draft a substantial course unit in which computer games become prompts for both critical thinking and critical writing. The facilitators have considerable experience not only in teaching with computer games (including desktop, console, handheld, and arcade systems), but also in game development. Additionally, all of the facilitators have published on the subject of digital game-based learning.

W8 Re-visioning Composition with XML and EMMA
Thursday, June 10 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Christy Desmet

Bob Cummings

Alexis Hart

Ron Balthazor

Angela Mitchell

Anita de Rouen

The University of Georgia EMMA Working Group teaches participants the fundamentals of XML coding and application of that knowledge to writing environments. Attendees need not have XML experience. Participants will be asked only to provide in digital form (RTF or TXT format), some data that they wish to "XML" - for example, some information from a hobby or professional pursuit, a piece of text that they might use in the classroom (e.g., a poem or essay), or a piece of student/teacher prose. The afternoon session introduces participants to a computer application that employs XML markup for composition pedagogy. EMMA (The Electronic Markup and Management Application) proposes to revise the way in which students write, edit, and submit compositions for review, as well as the way in which instructors and peers can respond by using markup technology.

Participants will learn a) to enter their documents into EMMA; b) to upload those documents into the EMMA database; and c) to display the documents in a variety of formats.

Saturday Half-day Morning Workshop $35

W9 Sustainable Technology-Rich Education: Technological Activism and Learner-Centered Pedagogy
Saturday, June 12 8:00 am - 11:00 am

Dickie Selfe,

Katherine V. Wills

Sean D. Williams

Stuart Selber

Karla Saari Kitalong

Catherine G. Latterell

Cindy Selfe

Bridget F. Ruetenik

Gail E. Hawisher

Susan Renee Ghiaciuc

Maura Taaffe
Cheryl Ball
Ann Mareck
Lisa Dunnebacke
Jill A. Sajdyk
Julie Estep

In this highly interactive half-day Saturday morning workshop, facilitators and participants will interrogate our disciplines' responses to online instruction, distance education, and technology-rich environments in general. The workshop facilitators all study, manage, and teach in technology-rich environments. Our research and experiences have convinced us that we need to develop an activist agenda that will encourage English studies teachers (young and mature) to engage in a dialog with the decision makers and design teams who manage-typically in a top-down fashion-the creation of online teaching and learning environments. Our contention is that online environments are still highly experimental (D. Selfe, 2003), and that they require sustained attention and assessment.

Facilitator Position Statements:

1. Technology activists, not technology advocates
2. The Anti-usability of DL classes
3. Pragmatics 101: Pedagogical Goals, Budgeting, & Technology
4. Ecological waste and the consequences of computer technology
5. "It's not a sprint; it's like training for a marathon"
6. Innovation, Change, and "Dangerous Moments"
7. There IS such a thing as "The Vision Thing." (MM Mentors)
8. Working conditions of technology-prone teachers
9. What we have to learn from our students

Please indicate your workshop choices on the Conference Registration Form.

Hosts in Hawai'i    
Judi Kirkpatrick
Department of Language Arts
Kapi'olani Community College
Darin Payne
Department of English
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
John Zuern
Department of English
University of Hawai'i at Manoa

Call for Proposals | Submit a Proposal | Subscribe to Discussions
Conference Facilities | Conference Registration
| Travel and Accommodations
Conference Program | Conference Flyer (PDF 67K)

Thanks to Susan Lang at Texas Tech for the design of the My Computers and Wriitng system.
Thanks to Mike Tamaru for logo and flyer design.
For problems with this site, contact
Last updated 04/25/04.