Philosophy Department Colloquium

October 18, 2:30pm - 5:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Sakamaki Hall C-308 Add to Calendar

TOPIC: The moral and political philosophy of libertarianism is growing apace in the developed nations of Europe, and even more so in the United States. It is a compelling set of doctrines to counter because it shares so many of the basic presuppositions of its liberal (and conservative) critics, which is why there has been such a paucity of serious philosophical objections to it. This lecture will first sketch the libertarian position in its strong version, then proffer a Confucian challenge to it, based on differing presuppositions. Presented by: Dr. Henry Rosemont Jr.

Event Sponsor
Philosophy, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Patricia Pimental, 808-956-8649,

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