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Welcome to the Upgrade Version - CES

What is the Course Evaluation System - CES?

CES is the official application for Course Evaluations at the University of Hawaii. It is a UH system wide tool to gather feedback from the students at the end of a course.

Who can use CES?

UH instructors teaching one or more classes and students enrolled in one or more classes can use CES. CES can be accessed by various members of the administrative staff from the different campuses, colleges, divisions, departments and subjects to administer CES for their organization.

How do I get access and/or help with CES?

UH instructors and students login with their normal UH username and password. All other individuals must be set up before they have access. If your organization would like to set up an administrative CES account, please contact us via email at

CES will be unavailable for nightly maintenance from 2:30 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. HST.