Overview; Qualification process
Instructions for Visiting
Scientific Divers
Divers requesting approval to conduct or participate in science diving operations under University of Hawaii auspices must complete the application and approval process. This process consists of documentation of the following components:
- Application for Diver Authorization
- Verification of Diver Training and Skills Documentation
- Dive Skill Checkout (if deemed necessary)
- Dive Plan Approval Forms

Complete an Application
Complete either the “Application for Visiting Scientific Diver Authorization for Employees of Government Agencies/Institutions ” or an “Application for Visiting Scientific Diver Authorization for Non-Government Employees”. Return the completed application forms to the Diving Safety Program (UHDSP) office accompanied by signed Employers Indemnification or Employers Responsibility forms, dive training and skills verification (ie. scuba certification cards, CPR, First Aid, Lifeguard, verification of training or a valid Letter of Reciprocity) and an “Application for Approval of Dive Plan”.
The Application for Visiting Scientific Diver Authorization must be submitted complete and include:.
- Applicant Information with UH Dept. Sponsor’s signature
- Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Release Form
- Medical Consent and Insurability Form
- Visitor Employment Status and Financial Responsibility Verification
- Verification of Diver Training and Skills Documentation
- Applicant, Sponsor and Employer Signatures
- Dive Plan Approval Forms
Application for Visiting Scientific Diver Authorization for Employees of Government Agencies/Institutions forms
Application for Visiting Scientific Diver Authorization; For all Visitors Except Government Employees form

Which Forms To Use
Which forms to use and how they must be completed depends on employment status. Visitors diving as part of their official employment duties must provide the applicable signed employer’s verification statement (p.4), confirming that they are authorized to dive, and are covered by applicable worker’s compensation provisions for this activity.
GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES: If the diving will be part of official duties as an employee of a state or Federal government agency or institution (including state educational institutions), use the application forms, “Visiting Diver-Gov Employee”, including the Government Employer’s Responsibility Statement for Visiting Scientific Divers (p.4).
NON-GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES: If the diving will be part of official duties as an employee of a non-governmental agency, use the application forms, “Visiting Diver-Non-Gov”, including the Employer’s Indemnification Agreement and Statement of Responsibility for Visiting Scientific Divers (p.4).
NON-EMPLOYEES (including students diving as part of a class, field school, or for academic credit): If the proposed diving will not be part of employment, use the application forms, “Visiting Diver-Non-Gov”, completing pp. 1-3, and indicate non-employee status on the medical consent form (p.3). Non-employees must provide evidence of current Diver’s Alert Network Diving Accident/Medical Insurance.

Diver Training and Skills Documentation
Reciprocal Visitors
Visitors who are authorized divers from an AAUS Organizational Member Institutions or other agencies with which the University of Hawaii recognizes reciprocity agreements should include with their application a letter of Verification of Scientific Diver Training and Qualification, signed by the home agency’s Diving Safety Officer or Diving Control Board Chairperson. The letter must indicate the extent of the diver’s current authorization, including:
- Maximum authorized depth of operations;
- Expiration dates of the diver’s current diving medical examination and emergency response training (CPR, First Aid, and Oxygen Administration);
- Annual diving equipment service due date;
- Authorized technology and activities (dive computer, nitrox, decompression, Bluewater diving, etc);
Non-Reciprocal Visitors
Non-Reciprocal Visitors must complete pages 5-7 of the Visiting Diver Application, and include all pertinent supporting documentation of training and qualification.

Dive Skill Checkouts
The University of Hawaii reserves the right to conduct dive skill checkouts for visiting divers if deemed necessary. Evaluations may include basic dive skills, emergency protocols, and diver rescue scenarios.

Application of Approval of Dive Plan
Before conducting any diving operations under the auspices of the University, the Lead Diver for a proposed operation shall formulate a dive plan, and submit it to the DSO for review. Some visitors may be accommodated on a pre-exsisting dive plan of UH researchers. Contact your UH host sponsor to determine whether a separate plan is required
The DSO aims to review and approve or disapprove the dive plan in a timely fashion. For complicated operations, the DSO must request the approval of the Diving Control Board. In such cases, review and approval may take as long as six weeks from the time of submission. Approval must be obtained prior to commencement of any diving operations.
The Application for Approval is to be submitted on the Application for Approval of Dive Plan forms and include the following information for review by the Diving Safety Officer:
• Approximate total number of proposed dives, and estimated dives per day.
• Locations of proposed dives.
• Estimated maximum depths and bottom times anticipated.
• Diver decompression status and repetitive dive plans, if repetitive dives are to be conducted.
• Proposed work, equipment and boats to be employed.
• Source of breathing gas, boats, specialized equipment.
• Details of any hazardous conditions anticipated, and emergency procedures planned and provided for such conditions.
• Emergency Management Plan for each listed dive site, to include the following information:
• Nearest operational recompression chamber, and means of contact and transport;
• Nearest accessible hospital and means of contact and transport;
• Available means of emergency transport and means of contact;
(See Appendix 6 of the Diving Safety Manual for emergency planning information). See the UHDSP Dive Planning Resources page for additional dive plan information.

Regarding Delays
The UHDSP often experiences periods in which we receive many applications, and multiple divers are usually in the qualification process at any given time. It is up to you, the applicant, to ensure that the requirements listed above are completed and that the qualification process proceeds in a timely fashion.
If you have questions regarding policy contact Jason Jones: uhdso@hawaii.edu or 956-6420.
For questions regarding the status of your application contact Maria Laamang:uhdsp@hawaii.edu or 956-9643.
For scheduling evaluation sessions or questions about training contact Liv Wheeler:liv4@hawaii.eduor 956-6420.
Divers Alert Network
American Academy of Underwater Sciences
Application for Approval of Dive Plan form
UH Diving Safety Dive Planning Resources