19th Annual Hawaii Government Contracting Forum
University of HawaiʻiBusiness Development Specialist , Office of Innovation and Commercialization
The 19th Annual Hawaii Government Contracting Forum Is a must-attend event for small businesses who want to learn about doing business with the government
The Hawaii MBDA (Minority Business Development Agency) Business Center invites small businesses interested in obtaining government contracts to attend the 19th Annual Hawaii Government
Contracting Forum on August 14, 2024 from 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM at the Honolulu Country Club.
At the event, small businesses will have the chance to learn from and meet with
Small Business Professionals from the federal government, Procurement
Specialists and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program representatives from the City and State, a Lead Business Opportunity Specialist from the U.S. Small Business Administration, and various small business technical assistance providers.
The forum will feature:
- FY25-FY27 long range acquisition estimates by federal government contracting agencies.
- City & County of Honolulu and State of Hawaii procurement opportunities.
- Small business updates by the U.S. Small Business Administration.
- An introduction to Hawaii Defense Alliance.
- Introductions to Hawaii’s technical assistance providers.
For more information and to register for this event presented by the Hawaii MBDA Business Center, please go to
For more information, visit: https://2024HIGCF.eventbrite.com