Board of Regents Policy 6.207 Board of Regents Policy 6.207


Exemption from Tuition and Other Fees (Unless superseded by a collective bargaining agreement.)


Regents Policy Chapter 6, Tuition, Financial Assistance, and Fees
Regents Policy RP 6.207, Exemption from Tuition and Other Fees (Unless superseded by a collective bargaining agreement.)
Effective Date:  Oct. 2008
Prior Dates Amended:  Nov. 16, 2006; Oct. 18, 2002; Oct. 31, 2014 (recodified)
Review Date:  August 2018

I. Purpose

To set forth policy regarding exemptions from tuition and other fees.

II. Definitions

No policy specific or unique definitions apply.

III. Board of Regents Policy

    A. Faculty and Staff. Faculty and staff who register for a course are exempted from the payment of tuition and other fees subject to the following provisions:

        1. The faculty or staff member must be employed on a half-time basis or more; those excluded from collective bargaining must have an appointment exceeding three (3) months;

        2. Each academic semester not more than six credits may be carried exempt from fees; if more than six credits are taken, the employee will remain tuition and fee exempt up to that amount but will pay regular student tuition and fees for any instruction which exceeds those limits;

        3. The employee’s normal university duties must be carried out as usual in the manner and time set for the employing unit;

        4. He/she may enroll only after students not using an employee tuition waiver have had an opportunity to register; and

        5. His/her enrollment places no undue or unusual burden on the instructor in the course.

    B. These provisions for tuition and fee exemption do not apply to individual instruction in such fields as music, nor to summer session, and credit or noncredit courses offered by the Outreach College or the College of Continuing Education and Community Service, except with special permission of the dean of the Outreach College or the dean of the College of Continuing Education and Community Service. It also does not apply to specific fees not covered by tuition exemption.

    C. Graduate teaching and research assistants, as a function of their appointment to an assistantship, are exempt from eligible tuition. Graduate teaching and research assistants appointed to at least 0.25 FTE assistantships are exempt from one-half of the applicable tuition charges.

    D. Employee spouses or domestic partners, as established in collective bargaining agreements, are exempt from eligible tuition.

    E. Native Hawaiian students. A minimum of the equivalent of 250 full tuition waivers for Native Hawaiian students, based on need, may be awarded.

IV. Delegation of Authority

There is no policy specific delegation of authority.

V. Contact Information

Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, 956-7075,

VI. References

VII. Exhibits and Appendices

No Exhibits and Appendices found


    approved as to Form:    
    Cynthia Quinn    
    October 31, 2014    
    Executive Administrator and Secretary of the Board of Regents


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