Administrative Procedure 9.540 Administrative Procedure 9.540


Recruitment and Selection of Faculty and Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) Personnel

Administrative Procedure Chapter 9, Human Resources
Administrative Procedure AP 9.540, Recruitment and Selection of Faculty and Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) Personnel
Effective Date:  June 9, 2017
Prior Dates Amended:  May 2002, September 2015
Responsible Office:  Office of the Vice President for Administration
Review Date:  May 2020

I.  Purpose

To implement Section 304-11 H.R.S., Personnel, and to comply with Board of Regents' Policies, Section 9.201, General Appointments, and Board of Regents' Policies, Section 1.205, Policy on Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action. The purpose of this procedure is to facilitate the recruitment and selection process and to ensure compliance with University hiring policies, affirmative action and equal employment opportunity guidelines, and the respective collective bargaining agreements.

II.  Objectives

To prescribe procedures for recruitment and selection of Faculty and Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) personnel.

III.  Applicability/Responsibilities

This administrative procedure applies to the recruitment and selection of the best qualified for all faculty and APT positions regardless of funding source.   

It does not apply to casual appointments which are covered under Administrative Procedure A9.480, Casual Appointments; graduate assistants which are covered under Administrative Procedure A9.550, Appointment of Graduate Assistants; and lecturers, cooperating teachers, counselors which are covered under Administrative Procedure A9.560, Appointment of Lecturers and Cooperating Teachers/Counselors.

The President, Chief Executive Campus Officers or their official designees, State Director for Career and Technical Education, and Mānoa Deans and Directors are responsible for ensuring that appointment recommendations have been reviewed for conformance with this procedure and other appropriate policies and procedures and are supported by sound human resources management practices.

IV.  Procedures

  1. Recruitment Procedures

    For each position vacancy, the department or other hiring unit shall:

    1. Refer to Administrative Procedure, A9.485, Filling of Vacant Positions, for specific procedures and forms to be completed; UH Form 18 (EEO/AA) Suggested Checklist for Recruitment/Hiring Process (Attachment 1).

    2. Review the position description (for APT positions) for accuracy, and, as appropriate, update to ensure currency of work assignment and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

      Requests for establishment of new APT positions or updating of existing APT positions with significant changes in the duties must be submitted to the Chancellor’s designee or the University Office of Human Resources (OHR), as appropriate, for action under the procedures established by Administrative Procedure A9.210, Classification and Compensation Plan for APT Personnel.
    3. Analyze work force for underutilization. Before initiating recruitment, the Dean/Director/Provost or official designee shall refer to the current Affirmative Action Plan or contact the Director of EEO/AA (Mānoa and System units), the Campus EEO/AA Coordinator (Hilo/West O‘ahu), or the CC Director of EEO/AA (Community Colleges) to determine if there is underutilization in the job group for which recruitment is to be carried out.

    4. Conduct affirmative action/recruitment. If there are underrepresented groups, affirmative recruitment efforts should be made in addition to the minimum advertising specified in IV.C., Vacancy Announcement Procedures, below.  Contact the Director of EEO/AA (Mānoa and System units), the Campus EEO/AA Coordinator (Hilo/West O‘ahu), or the CC Director of EEO/AA (Community Colleges) for more information on affirmative recruitment. Examples of affirmative recruitment efforts may include:
      1. Specifying a longer recruitment period to encourage a broader applicant pool.
      2. Including members of underrepresented groups on committees for recruitment, screening, interviewing and selection.
      3. Encouraging members of underrepresented groups to apply for higher-level positions.
      4.  Sending copies of advertisements to organizations which may bring the available positions to the attention of minorities, as identified by the underutilization analysis.

    5. Applicants shall be informed of the availability of campus security and crime statistics information. Applicants should be referred to the respective campus security office and/or informed of the campus web page for such information.

    6. Faculty positions that were advertised and filled on a temporary or non-tenurial basis, must be re-advertised and a competitive search conducted if they are to be filled on a tenure- track basis, unless otherwise specified.

  2. Unsolicited Resumes

    Colleges/Departments may retain unsolicited resumes. However, if retained, the resumes must be evaluated and considered whenever appropriate vacancies occur. If not retained, the unsolicited resumes should either be returned to the individuals, or the individuals should be notified that consideration for a University position requires an application for the specific advertised position in accordance with advertised application requirements.

  3. Vacancy Announcement Procedures

    The appropriate Chief Executive Campus Officers or their official designees, State Director for Career and Technical Education, or Mānoa Deans and Directors shall review the recruitment sources.

    All pertinent aspects of the position must be advertised.    Paid job notices in a Hawai‘i newspaper, The Chronicle of Higher Education, or other professional journals may be abbreviated for cost saving purposes or to create more readable advertisements. Such abbreviated notices must be approved by the Appointing Authority or Designee; and all applicants should be sent or referred to a copy of the unabridged advertisement, e.g., via mail, e-mail or web site.

    1. Recruitment Period

      1. APT vacancies: All APT positions must be advertised at least ten (10) working days prior to the closing date.

      2. Faculty positions at the Community Colleges and temporary/non-tenurial faculty positions at four-year campuses may be filled through local recruitment only, unless the applicant pool is inadequate.

        Such positions must be advertised at least ten (10) working days prior to the closing date.

      3. National Faculty searches: Faculty positions to be filled through national recruitment must be advertised at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the closing date. (National searches are required for all tenure-track vacancies at four-year campuses.)

      4. Closing dates: Vacancy announcements with specific closing dates should have the same date in all advertising venues.

        For waivers of closing dates (e.g., continuous recruitment for hard to fill positions), refer to section 6, “Exceptions.”

    2. Required Advertising Venues

      1. Work at UH or successor: all positions

        1. All APT and faculty positions shall be advertised at Work at UH or its successor.

        2. Departments are to route announcements to their Chief Executive Campus Officer official designee, or Mānoa Deans and Directors, as appropriate, for review prior to publication.

        3. Should there be a significant error in the advertisement (e.g., minimum qualifications, salary, etc.), the advertisement should be corrected and republished with a change to the closing date, if appropriate.

      2. National Advertising

        The following positions shall be advertised nationally in appropriate professional journals, electronic bulletins, or other suitable media:

        1. All tenure-track faculty positions on four-year campuses.

        2. Temporary faculty appointments at four-year campuses when the local applicant pool may be inadequate.

        3. Community College faculty positions when statewide recruitment has been determined by the Campus EEO/AA Officer, in consultation with the Community Colleges Director of EEO/AA, to be inadequate to provide qualified candidates.

      3. Optional Advertising Venues
        Newspaper advertisements are not required.  Campuses, however, may choose to advertise open recruitments in other sources such as the local newspaper or industry publications.

      4.  Closing Dates

        1. All APT vacancy announcements shall have closing dates, and the closing dates should be the same for all advertising venues.
          Exceptions to the closing date requirement require OHR approval.

        2. Faculty vacancy announcements may have closing dates or may have continuous recruitment for hard to fill positions. In cases of continuous recruitment, the recommended language is, “review of applications will begin on (date) and will continue until the position is filled.”

      5. After the job announcement has been approved for publication, the hiring unit is responsible for funding and placing the advertisement in newspapers, journals, or other appropriate media.

      6. All advertisements (except Work at UH or successor) will include the phrase “Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution” or “EEO/AA Employer” if space is a premium.

      7. Exceptions

        1. When there is any variation from the advertising process for faculty positions, prior approval must be obtained from the following:

          1. UH at Mānoa -
            Director of EEO/AA
          2. Community Colleges -
            CC Director of Human Resources or CC Director of EEO/AA
          3. UH at Hilo -
            Director of EEO/AA (UHH)
          4. UH - West O‘ahu -
            EEO/AA Coordinator

        2. The following are exceptions to the foregoing vacancy announcement and advertising rules:

          1. A bona fide visiting faculty member with return rights to a home institution or to permanent employment may be appointed without the necessity of advertising. However, candidates for such appointments should be solicited from appropriate institutions, and the selection should be made from among viable candidates using the same criteria and procedures as in making regular appointments. Visiting appointments should be for one year or less. Visiting faculty shall not be subsequently appointed to positions without appropriate recruitment and consideration of a broader applicant pool.

          2.  An Executive/Managerial appointee with return rights to an APT or Faculty position, pursuant to collective bargaining agreements and Board policies, may be returned to her/his respective position without recruitment. (See respective collective bargaining agreement or applicable Board of Regents’ policies.)

          3. A faculty member may be reassigned within her/his locus of tenure.

          4. A part-time temporary position created for an employee participating in the Incentive Early Retirement (IER) program need not be advertised. However, the filling of the permanent position vacated by the IER employee must be in accordance with all applicable policies and procedures on recruitment and selection. (Refer to Executive Policy E9.204, Incentive Early Retirement, and Administrative Procedure A9.195, Establishment of New Positions and Abolishment of Positions.)

          5. A temporary faculty position established for recruitment of a dual career couple where the primary hire is being recruited for a tenure-track position.

        3. Selection Procedures
          1. Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) - see
            1. Attachment 3A - APT Selection Procedures
            2. UH Form 64A “University
              of Hawai‘i Application Form, Administrative, Professional and Technical Positions”
              (Attachment 3B1)
              or UH Form 64B (Attachment 3B2)

          2. Faculty - see Attachment 4 - Faculty Selection Procedures

        4. Appointment Procedures

          Refer to Administrative Procedure A9.570, Appointment Procedure for BOR Personnel.

        5. Recruitment/Selection Recordkeeping

          Affirmative action efforts and results shall be documented, and documentation shall be retained in the employing unit for at least three years (from effective date of appointment), along with other records related to filling the position. These documents are subject to inspection by University officials and authorized representatives of federal and state agencies which are concerned with EEO/AA matters. The System Director of Human Resources, Director of EEO/AA or Campus EEO/AA Coordinator may ask for copies of any of these documents. The following shall be retained:

          1. One copy of each job advertisement.

          2. All applications submitted for the position.

          3. Applicant evaluation form such as UH Form 16, (EEO/AA) Sample APT Screening/Evaluation Sheet (Attachment 3C).

          4. Interview questions, desired answers/responses, interviewees’ responses, and rating sheets.

          5. Copy of completed UH Form 17, (EEO/AA) BOR Recruitment/Selection Form 17.

          6. UH Form 18 (EEO/AA) Suggested Checklist for Recruitment/Hiring Process (Attachment 1).

          7. Copies of any related correspondence.

          8. Minutes of committee meetings.


          Jan Gouveia
          June 16, 2017
          VP for Admin


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