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Social network sites

Social network sites are websites designed with a template where visitors can sign up, fill in personal content and contact information, and network with friends and family both current and long lost. The purpose can vary from professional sites designed to create communities within a job field, professional/personal sites which allow businesses to market their services and products to the user base, and purely personal sites which are meant simply to create relationships and reestablish old ones. The value of these websites vary based on the user base, the greater the user base the greater the chance of finding someone. Due to the relationship driven model used by these sites it is important to learn and understand the privacy settings which will control the level of public exposure your account will have. Settings can range from completely public which is viewable to anyone with or without an account to just immediate contacts. Tools that accompany these sites include communication tools to message both privately and publicly. It is important to understand the purpose of a tool and to use the appropriate one to avoid revealing personal information about an individual.