FAQ on first.last email aliases
What is a first.last email alias?
How do I request a first.last email alias?
May I pick any name for my first.last email alias?
What will happen to my first.last email alias when I leave UH?
It is a professional representation of your email address that uses your first name and last name. For example, John Doe's current email address is jdoe@hawaii.edu. With first.last, John's email alias could be john.doe@hawaii.edu. It is also a more definitive way of identifying yourself to another colleague where they might know your first and last name, but not your eight character email name. This is an optional service being offered to faculty and staff.
Staff or Faculty may request a first.last by going to https://www.hawaii.edu/username, click on "Manage My UH Username" and log in with your UH Username and password. After logging in, click on the "first.last Email Alias" link and follow the instructions there.
You may have only one first.last email alias active at any one time. The first.last email alias should be closely related to your full name. The following are guidelines for selecting your first.last email alias:
- first.last
- first.last.generation
- first.m.last
- first.m.last.generation
- first.middle.last
- first.middle.last.generation
- middle.last
- middle.last.generation
Your first.last email alias may only use alphabets (a-z), dash and/or period. The first.last email alias is not case-sensitive so Jane.Doe@hawaii.edu is the same as jane.doe@hawaii.edu. The "last" part of your selected first.last email alias must reflect your legal last name on record, so if your last name is Doe, Doe must be the "last" part of your first.last email alias. Offensive language will not be allowed in your first.last email alias even if it spells out your name. Alternative first.last email alias combinations can be considered.
Name Changes and First.Last Alias
If your name has changed, you have the option to switch from the first.last email alias that was based on your previous name, and activate a new first.last email alias based on your new name. For example, Jane Doe has Jane.Doe@hawaii.edu but they have changed their name to Jane Smith. They can choose to activate Jane.Smith@hawaii.edu (if it is available) and their Jane.Doe@hawaii.edu alias would be removed.
Additional Assistance
If you have any questions, or run into any problems regarding your UH Username, feel free to call the ITS Help Desk at (808) 956-8883 or toll-free from neighbor islands at (800) 558-2669 for assistance.
When you leave UH, your first.last email alias will be removed at the end of your grace period, unless you enroll in 'Ohana online services. Your first.last email alias will be made available for reassignment if you do not renew your annual enrollment to 'Ohana online services.