Welcome to the new UH Rave Alert emergency notification system. UH has contracted Rave Mobile Safety to provide the UH Rave Alert emergency notification system and notify the UH community in the event of a natural, health, or civil emergency. All members of the UH community are automatically enrolled to receive emergency alerts from UH Rave Alert to their @hawaii.edu email address. Members of the UH community may also opt to receive emergency alerts from UH Rave Alerts to their mobile device via text messages(SMS).
Information About UH Rave Alert
- All students, faculty and staff will automatically receive EMAIL alerts for their home campus.
- UH Rave SMS alerts are OPTIONAL. Users must login to their UH Rave Alerts account and add their mobile phone number if they wish to receive SMS alerts.
- UH Rave email and SMS alerts for other campuses are OPTIONAL. Users must login to their UH Rave Alerts account and select any additional campuses they wish to receive emergency alerts for.
Opt in to receive emergency alerts via SMS
- Login to https://getrave.com/login/uh with your UH username and password.
Click the Add button next to Mobile Phones
Enter your mobile phone number, starting with your area code, in the Mobile Number field, then click Continue.
If you don't want to receive UH Rave Alerts via voice calling make sure you unclick "Enable Voice Message Delivery"
- On the next screen, confirm your carrier by selecting the appropriate carrier from the drop down, then click Continue.
- A 4-digit confirmation code will be delivered to you by SMS. Enter the number in the Confirmation code field, then click Continue.
- Click Done to return to the main menu.
- Optionally, test your ability to receive emergency alerts via SMS: click the Test button next to your mobile phone number under Mobile Phones.
- If the test is successful, a confirmation dialogue will appear across the top of the page and you will have received the test SMS to your mobile phone.
Opt to receive emergency alerts for other campuses
- Login to https://getrave.com/login/uh with your UH username and password.
Click the Opt-In Lists link.
- Review the List Name column to find the campus(es) you wish to receive emergency alerts for.
Check the Subscribe checkbox for any campus you wish you receive emergency alerts for.
- NOTE: You are automatically subscribed to receive emergency alerts for your home campus so you do not need to select to opt-in to your home campus. If you are enrolled at another campus besides your home campus, you must choose to opt-in to other campuses you are enrolled in.
If you have problems, questions or suggestions, please contact uhrave@hawaii.edu.
Conditions and Details
- Tests of the UH Rave Alert system will be conducted once a semester. During tests, UH community members will receive a test email alert. Those enrolled in SMS-based alerts will also receive a test SMS alert.
- Should you opt to receive emergency alerts via SMS, the phone number you provide to Rave Mobile Safety will only be used to deliver SMS alerts to you in the event of an emergency that impacts the health and safety of the UH community or closures of whole campuses. Your information and phone number will never be shared with others nor used for routine (non-emergency) UH communications or announcements.
- Should you opt to receive emergency alerts via SMS, message and data rates may apply. We do not charge for this service, however your mobile phone company may charge for text messages. Please refer to your mobile phone's service plan for more information.
- Emergency alerts sent via SMS may not be delivered to you if your phone is not in range of a transmission site, or if sufficient network capacity is not available at a particular time. Even within a coverage area, factors beyond the control of your wireless carrier may interfere with message delivery, including the customer’s equipment, terrain, proximity to buildings, foliage, and weather. You acknowledge that urgent alerts may not be timely received and that your wireless carrier does not guarantee that alerts will be delivered.
- The use of this capability will be limited to emergency communications. Emergency communications are defined as urgent notices regarding matters that impact the health and safety of members of the UH community and closures of whole campuses. This determination will be made only by the president, vice presidents, chancellors, vice chancellors and formally designated emergency coordinators.
- You may return to the UH Rave Alert page (https://getrave.com/login/uh) at any time to update your information or unsubscribe completely. You will also be automatically unsubscribed from the UH Alert system when you terminate your relationship with the University. Once your UH Username is deprovisioned, your subscription to UH Alert will terminate automatically.
- For HELP, see the FAQ below or contact us at uhrave@hawaii.edu
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
I don’t have a current UH Username or password so I can’t log in to the emergency messaging system. Will I be able to receive UH Alert messages?
No. Only UH students, faculty and staff with active UH Usernames may use the system. Alumni and former faculty and staff(Ohana) and the general public are not allowed to register for UH Rave Alerts.
We will be adding the ability for parents of UH students to sign up for email alerts in the future.
Does UH Rave support Spectrum Mobile or Google Fi?
Please select Verizon if you are a Spectrum customer and T-Mobile if you are a Google customer.
Why am I receiving so many test messages?
We will try to limit the number of test messages to one per semester, but testing is important to make sure everybody can receive emergency notifications.
Why didn’t I get an emergency message or why did it take so long to get a message?
There are many factors that affect the delivery of messages when sending an emergency notification to a large number of recipients. If you did not receive a message or believe that the message delivery was in error contact us at uhrave@hawaii.edu. We will look into the situation to see if we can understand the issue(s) and improve our service.
I received an emergency message. How can I verify that the message is authentic? Where can I get more information?
Check the UH System emergency page, your campus homepage and/or campus social media accounts for information on emergencies as they happen.
You may receive UH Rave email alerts from the following email addresses:
Will unit directors be able to use this tool to communicate with members of their unit, i.e. a message to a selected group rather than broadcast to all in the system?
No, however, Rave Mobile Safety provides a service for operational messaging. We may implement this feature in the future.
I don’t want to receive emergency messages anymore. What can I do?
All active students, faculty and staff are automatically subscribed to emergency email alerts. If you wish to stop receiving SMS alerts, login to https://getrave.com/login/uh and delete your mobile number from your profile.
I opted to receive emergency alerts via SMS. What phone number will these alerts come from?
Emergency alerts sent via SMS will be sent from numbers 226787, 67283, 77295, or 78015
Will RAVE share my phone number or other information with others? Is it safe to provide my phone number?
No. Your phone number will only be used for UH Rave services. It will not be shared with companies.