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> Nanyo Collection
Company Histories (shashi)

Collection Overview

691 titles of the Nan'yo Collection were acquired mostly through auction sales and purchases of Library of Congress duplicates. The scope of the coverage is from the post-World War I through the World War II period. Most of the ephemeral materials were the products of research by former governmental and semi-official organizations, such as the Takumucho (Ministry of Overseas Affairs), nan'yocho (South Seas Agency), Toa Kenkyujo (East Asia Institute), and Minami Manshu Tetsudo Kabushiki Kaisha (Southern Manchurian Railway Company). The Collection also contains a number of monographs by individuals who conducted studies and field investigations of the area.

To access materials in the Nan'yo Collection at site, please read the Access Policy and make an appointment in advance. (Access Policy Japanese version)


Nan'yo (South Seas): An Annotated Bibliography. Complied by Masato Matsui, Minako I. Song, and Tomoyoshi Kurokawa. Honolulu: UH Center for Asia and pacific Studies/Council for Japanese Studies, 1982. 198p. ASIA REF DU28.3 .M375

Contact: Mitsutaka Nakamura
Japan Specialist Librarian
e-mail: mitsutak@hawaii.edu
Asia Collection, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
2550 The Mall, Honolulu, HI 96822 U.S.A.