Resume & Cover Letter: Market Yourself on Paper
April 28, 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services Rm. 212
Yes, you can Google templates for both resumes and cover letters. But how will your resume stand out in a sea of clones? Let us provide examples and tips on developing an effective resume and cover letter to take you to the next step in the application process!
Sign up for this workshop to learn about:
- Organize your information
- Highlight important information on the resume
- Develop descriptions that highlight transferable skills on the resume
- Create a letter to present yourself professionally
- Develop the cover letter’s content
- Address the letter appropriately
To sign-up, go to:
Event Sponsor
MÄnoa Career Center, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Thursday, April 28
10:00am |
Get Pidgin? T-shirt and Reusable Bag Giveaway Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
12:00pm |
Why Black Studies Matters for Hawaiian Studies and Indigenous Studies Mānoa Campus, Dean Hall 5/6
1:30pm |
Katherine Alarcio, piano (junior recital) Mānoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium
1:30pm |
Resume & Cover Letter: Market Yourself on Paper Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services Rm. 212
2:00pm |
Garden Soils: The Foundation of Your Home Garden Mānoa Campus, Lyon Arboretum, 3860 Manoa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822
2:00pm |
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3:00pm |
Zoology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Biomed T-208
3:00pm |
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3:15pm |
Radio Detection of Ultra-high Energy Particles & NASA's ANITA Project Mānoa Campus, Watanabe 112
4:00pm |
Convert your CV into a Personal Professional Website Mānoa Campus, CMORE Hale Moore Conference Center
5:30pm |
Natural Hazard Preparedness Workshop Honolulu Mission Memorial Auditorium, 567 S. King Street, Honolulu