WRRC Water Seminar
October 4, 3:00pm - 4:00pmMānoa Campus, POST 723

We Punch Nature and It Will Punch Us Back; The Feedbacks of Climate change on People
by: Camilo Mora, Ph.D., Department of Geography, UH MÄnoa
Human impacts on biodiversity are leading to extinction that largely exceeds natural background rates. This is impairing the capacity of ecosystems to deliver basic goods and services to humanity; and in turn, it is undermining efforts to improve human welfare. In this presentation, I describe global scale analyses into the impacts of climate change on marine and terrestrial ecosystems and how they are making a large fraction of the world’s human population vulnerable to loosing important sources of revenue, food and jobs. I also describe how Hawaii can be a global example to achieve responsible sustainability.
Event Sponsor
Water Resources Research Center, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-3097, morav@hawaii.edu, http://wrrc.hawaii.edu
Wednesday, October 4 |
9:00am |
National Student Day Celebration Mānoa Campus, UH Manoa Bookstore
9:30am |
Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall
10:00am |
Ways to Manoa Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
11:30am |
Establishing a Culturally Responsive Classroom Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 106 Events Room
12:00pm |
Graduate Student Professional Development Series Mānoa Campus, Webster Hall Room 103 (Unless otherwise noted)
12:30pm |
MUSIC @ART - Free Lunchtime Concerts, Fall 2017 Mānoa Campus, Art Building, ground floor breezeway by the Galleries
2:30pm |
10 Steps to Making a Great Impression at the Career Fair Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services Rm. 212
3:00pm |
WRRC Water Seminar Mānoa Campus, POST 723
3:30pm |
Impact Education: Classroom to Space Mānoa Campus, Art Auditorium
3:30pm |
Atmospheric Sciences Seminar Mānoa Campus, Marine Sciences Building, MSB 100
3:30pm |
Russian Club picnic Mānoa Campus, Paradise Palms
5:30pm |
Shadowing/Networking Workshop Mānoa Campus, Webster Hall 103
9:00pm |
What's Next at Manoa Mānoa Campus, Campus Center