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Last modified May 11, 2024
How do ʻike Hawaiʻi and library/information science connect? Join us for Hoʻokele Naʻauao on October 15th and 16th.
This, the 5th annual Hoʻokele Naʻauao, will feature practitioners and leaders from Hawaiʻi, as well as noted scholars and professionals from Fiji and Canada. Through this symposium, we hope to answer the question, "What is Hawaiian Librarianship?"
Light snacks and lunch will be provided.
Event is open to all UH students, faculty, staff, and the general public.
Ticket Information
Event is free, registration required.
Event Sponsor
KamakakÅ«okalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Keahiahi Long, (808) 956-0589, keahiahi@hawaii.edu, http://nahawaiiimiloa.weebly.com/hookele2017.html
Monday, October 16 |
8:00am |
HoÊ»okele NaÊ»auao: A Hawaiian Librarianship Symposium Mānoa Campus, HÄlau o Haumea, KamakakÅ«okalani Center for Hawaiian Studies
1:00pm |
Education Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Wist Hall Rm 131
3:00pm |
sPACE Hosts UH Law Clinic Mānoa Campus, Shidler College of Business, Room E-402
6:00pm |
LDTC Workshop Series Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 575
6:00pm |
Mark Kanemura: Master Dance Class Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Ballroom