Hawaii Materials Symposium
September 25, 1:00pm - 4:30pmMānoa Campus, Imin Conference Center, East-West Center

The Hawaii Materials Symposium will be a half-day event in September 2023 bringing together members of the Hawaii community around the topic of materials science and engineering (MSE). Goals of this event: 1.Connect employers, community members, students, professors, and other researchers who work in MSE. 2.Gauge need and demand for a more formal materials education program at the University of Hawaiʼi, and clarify workforce training needs in MSE. 3.Establish connections with employers forfurther engagement in topics related to materials, through a professional organization, participation in an advisory board, internship connections for UH students, or through other means. 4.Highlight materials-related activities and facilities at UH Mānoa, particularly through showcasing student research.The event will be hosted by the UH Mānoa College of Engineering and the School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology (SOEST).
Ticket Information
Please register here: https://forms.gle/swxpofqUwQMvLTTa9
Event Sponsor
College of Engineering and SOEST, Mānoa Campus
More Information
8089567081, jjbrown@hawaii.edu, Hawaii Materials Symposium Flyer (PDF)
Monday, September 25 |
1:00pm |
Second Language Studies Final Oral Mānoa Campus, ZOOM Meeting ID: 932 4623 2850
1:00pm |
Hawaii Materials Symposium Mānoa Campus, East-West Center, Imin Conference Room
1:00pm |
Study Abroad Info Meeting - Semester in "Two Italies", Italy Mānoa Campus, Zoom
1:00pm |
Hawaii Materials Symposium Mānoa Campus, Imin Conference Center, East-West Center
2:30pm |
Study Abroad Info Meeting - Semester in Machida, Japan Mānoa Campus, Zoom