"Global Hibakusha: Security and Peace for All Humanity" with Yumi Saito
May 3, 12:00pm - 1:00pmMānoa Campus, Online
"Global Hibakusha: Security and Peace for All Humanity" with Yumi Saito and moderated by José Barzola ----------- Session: Join us to learn about Yumi Saito’s experience participating in the "Perspectives ofWWII: From Pearl Harbor to Nagasaki to Hiroshima" program. As next year marks 80 years since the atomic bomb detonated, she focuses on Global Hibakusha, the victims of atomic bomb radiation and testing around the world, and the global efforts for the abolishment of nuclear weapons and disarmament. She also explores ways to move forward and strengthen peacebuilding initiatives further. ----------- About Yumi Saito: Yumi Saito is pursuing a Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution, and the Ph.D. in Educational Foundations at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. She is a Graduate Research Assistant for the Provost Office and teaches Multicultural Education as a Lecturer at the College of Education. She has worked in the private sector, with international organizations, and at educational institutions in Africa, Europe, and the U.S. She is currently involved in multiple projects, including the abolition of nuclear weapons and disarmament, to enhance the culture of peace through learning and open-hearted dialogue in local, national, and global communities. ---------- About José Barzola: José Barzola is currently the Conflict an Peace Specialist at the Office of the Provost and Affiliate Faculty at the Matsunaga Institute for Peace at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. ----------- Co-Sponsored: Conflict and Peace Specialist, and Matsunaga Institute for Peace
Event Sponsor
Conflict and Peace Specialist, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Jose Barzola, 8089562690, caring@hawaii.edu, https://hawaii.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAtdOmurDwsGtMl3CnzgrO6yVSXGmpK6Vfr
Friday, May 3 |
8:45am |
Spring Undergraduate Showcase (Hybrid) Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall Hall (physical), Zoom (virtual)
9:00am |
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10:00am |
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12:00pm |
"Global Hibakusha: Security and Peace for All Humanity" with Yumi Saito Mānoa Campus, Online
1:00pm |
Anthropology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom
3:00pm |
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3:00pm |
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