Weekly Field Days -- Open Recreational Play
April 8, 2:00pm - 5:00pm
West Oʻahu Campus, The Great Lawn
ImWest presents Field Days -- Open Recreational Play
Come, join for a day of fun playing volleyball, soccer, basketball, frisbees, and more on Wednesdays on the Great Lawnnd/or Library Parking from 2:00pm-5:00pm:
Feb 4
Feb 11
Feb 18
Feb 25
Mar 4
Mar 11
Mar 18
Apr 1
Apr 8
Apr 15
Apr 22
Join us:
to stay physically active and break a sweat
to share a laugh or two and meet new friends friends
to ease your mind off classes
to get some natural vitamin D
ImWest Vision Statement
Our vision is to enrich the student life experience at UHWO by promoting the development of healthy lifestyles and enjoyable experiences for all levels of skill and fitness.
ImWest Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a variety of recreational opportunities that contribute to the physical, social, mental and emotional health of all members of the campus community. We are dedicated to continually developing programs and activities in order to increase positive use of leisure time and to instill a commitment to a lifetime of fitness and recreation.
Event Sponsor
Office of Student Life, West Oʻahu Campus
More Information
689-2942, ImWest@hawaii.edu
Wednesday, April 8
9:00am |
Career Exploration Workshop Hawaiʻi Campus, Manono Campus Building 379 Room 1A
9:00am |
Education Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Wist 233
9:00am |
Natural Resources & Environmental Management Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Burns 3012
9:15am |
Keiki Time Waikiki Aquarium
10:00am |
Education Final Orals Mānoa Campus, Wist 128
12:00pm |
Talk by Gayatri Gopinath Mānoa Campus, East-West Center, Burns Hall, Room 2118
12:00pm |
Public Presentation by M. KawÄ“lauokealoha Wright Mānoa Campus, Kamakakuokalania 202
12:00pm |
Career Day in Aging Mānoa Campus, Campus Center 203B
12:00pm |
Diaspora, Indigeneity, Queer Critique - A talk by Dr. Gayatri Gopinath Mānoa Campus, Burns 2118
12:30pm |
Achieving the Dream Meeting Dole Street Conference Room & Polycom
1:00pm |
Resume Writing Workshop Hawaiʻi Campus, Manono Campus Building 379 Room 1A
2:00pm |
Weekly Field Days -- Open Recreational Play West Oʻahu Campus, The Great Lawn
3:30pm |
Philippine Studies 40th Anniversary Opening Lecture Mānoa Campus, Architecture Auditorium
3:30pm |
Atmospheric Sciences Seminar Mānoa Campus, Marine Sciences Building, MSB 100
3:30pm |
ASUH Senate Meeting Honolulu Campus, Bldg 2-111
5:00pm |
Lecture by Fiona Willans "The Multilingual Turn: What Use Is It To Educators?" Mānoa Campus, Wist Hall, CCC (College of Education Collaboration Center)
6:00pm |
How Hawaii Changed America: Lecture with author Tom Coffman Mānoa Campus, School of Architecture Auditorium
7:30pm |
Closing the Loop: Art Mural Fundraiser Mānoa Campus, Fresh Cafe Downtown (1111 Nuuanu Ave)