APRIL 2015
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Last modified July 23, 2024
The UH MÄnoa College of Engineering will be holding its 15th Annual Dinner, honoring the college's long tradition of engineering excellence. Visit with faculty, students, fellow alumni and friends and discover the latest news about the college.
All proceeds will be used to benefit current and prospective College of Engineering students. Last year, more than $100,000 was raised in support of student projects.
For information on sponsorships and program details for this event, please visit the link below. Mahalo!
Event Sponsor
College of Engineering, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Jean Imada, (808) 956-5112, jimada@hawaii.edu, http://www.eng.hawaii.edu/news-publications/college-events-calendar/
Thursday, April 23 |
1:30am |
Timothy Vigilla, tenor Mānoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium
9:00am |
Grow Hawaiian Festival Bishop Museum
9:30am |
Introduction to Student Coaching Hawaiʻi Campus, classroom B4-R3 (UHCWH, Kealakekua)
11:00am |
Mauna Kea Film Screenings West Oʻahu Campus, Multipurpose Room
12:00pm |
Fulbright U.S. Student Program Workshop Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 106
12:00pm |
The Madoff Morality Play: Scenes from an American Tragedy Mānoa Campus, Henke 325
12:00pm |
Persian Movie Screening: The Fifth Reaction, 2003, Directed by Tahmineh Milani Mānoa Campus, Moore 258
1:00pm |
Reading Poetry: A Poetry Reading by Eric Paul Shaffer Honolulu Campus, Library - Bldg. 7, 1st floor
1:00pm |
Resume Writing Workshop Hawaiʻi Campus, Manono Campus Building 379 Room 1A
2:30pm |
Manny Cagdan, piano Mānoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium
3:00pm |
Behind the Scenes Waikiki Aquarium
3:00pm |
WRRC Seminar Series Mānoa Campus, Pacific Ocean Science and Technology (POST) 126
3:00pm |
Oceanography Seminar: Sara Ferron-Smith Mānoa Campus, Marine Sciences Building, MSB 100
3:15pm |
Economics Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Saunders 515
5:00pm |
UH College of Engineering 15th Annual Banquet Mānoa Campus, Hawai‘i Convention Center – KalÄkaua Ballroom
7:00pm |
UHWO University Chorus in Spring Concert West Oʻahu Campus, UHWO Library
7:30pm |
Sean Chen, Van Cliburn International Piano Competition Crystal Award Winner Mānoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium