About Us

General Information on Our Office


In all but 14 states, the Perkins grant and Career and Technical Education (CTE) planning is administered by a State Educational Agency. In Hawaiʻi, that agency is the State Board for CTE. Hawaiʻi P-20 Partnerships for Education (Hawaiʻi P-20) serves in the role of the administrative arm of the State Board, and is also referred to as the State CTE Office. Both the State Board for CTE and Hawaiʻi P-20 are placed for the purposes of state Perkins administration under the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaiʻi System. The Executive Director of Hawaiʻi P-20 serves as the State Director for CTE. Hawaiʻi P-20 assists the State Board in carrying out the purpose and provisions of the Perkins’ legislation. Additionally, Hawaiʻi P-20 collaboratively develops and revises the State of Hawaiʻi Perkins V Plan, recommends the establishment of policies for CTE, and assists the Hawaiʻi Department of Education and the University of Hawai’i Community College System in planning, coordinating, and evaluating CTE programs and activities.

Career and Technical Education

What is CTE?
Career and Technical Education (CTE) is an educational program that aligns academic standards with technical knowledge and skills to prepare students for careers in current or emerging occupations and further education. CTE is the only educational program in which course content is guided by business and industry input.
CTE Mission
Prepare Hawaii students for todayʻs workforce and continuous learning.
CTE Vision
“Nationwide, Career Technical Education (CTE) programs are changing, evolving and innovating to better serve the country’s needs. CTE is preparing students of all ages to help drive America’s success and vitality. Further, it is creating an educational environment that integrates core academics with real-world relevance. CTE is leading this change, transforming expectations and making a difference for students, for secondary and postsecondary schools, for businesses and industry—for America.” (http://www.careertech.org/)

Address and Information

  • University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
  • Hawai‘i P-20 Partnerships for Education
    Office of the State Director for Career & Technical Education
    2444 Dole Street (Bachman Annex 6)
    Honolulu, Hawaii, 96822

  • Phone: (808)956-5606
  • Email: p20hawaii@hawaii.edu