Using Digital Media Technology in Hawaiʻi’s Educational Institutions
The Hawaiʻi Educational Networking Consortium (HENC) is a collaborative relationship which was established in December 1993 among the University of Hawaiʻi, the State Department of Education, and the East-West Center.
In 1999 the Consortium added the Hawaiʻi Association of Independent Schools to its membership and sanctioned a new Memorandum of Understanding. Collectively these four member entities have a combined user-base of over 400,000 students, adult learners, faculty, and staff that live, work and learn in all areas of the State.
The purpose of HENC’s effort is to facilitate and coordinate Hawaiʻi-based cooperative activities relating to the development, promotion and support of telecommunications technology in education and research.
HENC is guided in its action by an advisory council which consists of representation by the four member entities, counsel from State government as well as advisors from businesses in the private sector.
HENC Funding
HENC receives its funding from a percentage of the franchise fees assessed on all CATV subscriptions in Hawaii. This funding is used to support four major programs, as well as to identify and seek additional resources at federal, state, corporate and foundation levels to support enhanced use of information and telecommunication systems and services in education. The four major programs which HENC supports are:
University of Hawaiʻi
HENC funding is provided to the University of Hawaiʻi’s Information Technology Services division for the purchase, development and broadcast of postsecondary informational programs, and, online courses – both credit and non-credit.
Hawaiʻi Department of Education
HENC funding is provided to the Hawaiʻi Department of Education Video Technology Group for the purchase, development and statewide broadcast of elementary and secondary online courses – both credit and non-credit.
Hawaiʻi Association of Independent Schools
HENC funding is provided to the Hawaiʻi Association of Independent Schools for the production of the “In Our Schools” video series which highlights educational best practices taking place in Hawaiʻi’s private and independent preschools and K-12 institutions.
Hawaiʻi Schools Digital Media Grants
HENC funding is provided to Hawaiʻi’s public, private, charter and parochial elementary and secondary schools in the form of annual grants that support the use of digital media resources in the classroom and in extracurricular programs.