Laulima Student FAQs
This section contains frequently asked questions about Laulima and related subjects.
Also, a Laulima tutorial is available after logging in under the user icon in the upper right. Additionally, here are some things that every Laulima user should know.
> Does Laulima ever have down times?
> Do Laulima courses get published and unpublished (made available/unavailable) automatically?
> I can log in fine, but I see some courses I haven't registered for/dropped, how do I delete them?
How do I log in to Laulima?
> When I log into Laulima I don't see any tabs for my courses.
> What happens when I can't log in or see any of my registered classes?
Recommended Browsers
What browsers/versions are recommended for working
with Laulima?
> My instructor says I should be able to view my test scores, where are they?
Does Laulima ever have down times?
Yes, Laulima is unavailable on a daily basis from 3:00am-4:00am for server backup and maintenance. There are also other occassions where the server needs to be offline and those times will be announced as much ahead of time as possible on Laulima's main page (what you see when you first log in to Laulima or when not logged in at
Do Laulima courses get published and unpublished (made available/unavailable) automatically?
By default Laulima courses get published (made viewable to students) approximately one week before the general semester starts. Also, Fall courses will be unpublished (inaccessible to students) one week before the Spring semester. Spring semester courses are unpublished one week before the Fall semester starts, while Summer courses are unpublished near the start of the Fall semester starts. Instructors can publish or unpublish courses outside of these timeframes if they so choose to.
When I click on the "Sites " tab in the blue tab bar, there are categories with numbers like 200840, 200910. What do these numbers mean, how do I know which course to use for which semester?
Update: With the newer version of Laulima these should be listed under terms (eg. Fall 2015). The term information is still listed in the course url though.
Courses are auto created by Banner, and by default the Banner name is simply the course name and section (eg. ENG-100-001). We do run a process to add more information to the title so it is a bit more useful, so you might see something more like ENG-100-001 [MAN.12345.SP10], adding campus, CRN and term information.
That being said, the Banner Semester Term is represented by a number (rather than something like "SP10") so the cateogries in the "More Sites " tab reflect this. Also, note that each new Fall semester is represented with the next year's date and a number representing the Fall semester. For example, if you have a Fall course, you may notice that all the fall course titles will end for example, FA10 but are listed under the heading, 201110. The Banner term 2011 is the Fall 2010 school year and has a semester number or code of 10 (for example: MATH-100-001 [MAN.54321.FA10] will be listed under 201110).
In Banner, each semester is represented by a number: Fall = 10, Spring = 30 and Summer = 40. Any courses you teach offered via Outreach will end in 3: Fall = 13, Spring = 33 and Summer = 43. Some special running courses will end in 5: Fall = 15, Spring = 35 and Summer = 45. So Fall 2014 = 201510; Spring 2015 = 201530; Summer 2015 = 201540; Fall 2015 = 201610; etc.
I can log in fine, but I
see some courses I haven't registered for/dropped, how do I delete them?
Students do not
have the ability to remove a course so you will need to submit a Request Assistance report telling us what courses
are showing up that you would like to have removed.
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How do I log in to Laulima?
You can access Laulima directly by going to, type your UH username into the "user I.D." box and password into the "password" box in the upper right corner of the screen and click the "Login" button.
If you are a "Guest" and have been invited to log into a Laulima course, log in using your full email address (example: and the password that was sent to you automatically the first time your account was created. For guests only it is encouraged that you use the Account tool in your "My Workspace" tab to change your password to something secure you can remember and to add a first and last name.
If you are logging in via UH username and password, you can also access Laulima via the Quick Links in the MyUH Portal.
How do I access my courses?
Once you log in to
Laulima ( you are inside your "My Workspace" area which is a private area for you to upload materials (Resources), set up a
profile (Profiles) and alter default course information settings
There will be a cluster of site tabs across the top of web browser window, this is the Course Tabs area where all your registered courses should be listed. If you have multiple courses (more than 5 or what you have set), you should see a " Sites" tab which will give you access to ALL your active courses. Click on a course title to enter that course's space.
When I log into Laulima I don't see any tabs
for my courses.
Possible reasons for not seeing a course include:
- The Instructor has not made the course available to students yet (see note regarding MyUH above).
- You have not been put into the course yet.
- There is an error with your Laulima user account.
If the instructor has indicated that you should be able to access the course and you do not see this in your Sites drawer near the top of the page, you can submit a Request Assistance form.
What happens when I can't log in
or see any of my registered classes?
Send us a Request Assistance report detailing all
information (be as specific as possible) about the issues you are
having. If it is a technical problem, tell us what errors you are
seeing or what you see on the screen.
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What browsers/versions are recommended
for working with Laulima?
To access Laulima
use one of the following browsers, note that Mozilla Firefox
ESR appears to be the most stable and consistent when working with Laulima:
Mozilla Firefox ESR
Apple Safari
Note that Internet Explorer/Edge is not currently recommend for submitting work or taking tests in Laulima.
Mozilla Firefox ESR
Apple Safari
Mozilla Firefox ESR
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My instructor said I can
upload my homework to the Drop Box and even download files she has put
into our course Resources area using something called Internet
Connections or WebDAV. How do I do that?
If you want to be able to upload/download multiple files via the WebDAV protocol, you can refer to the following page:
My instructor says I should be
able to view my test scores, where are they?
This really
depends on how the instructor set up the exam or if they added some
sort of grading tool for you to view course scores.
If the instructor has allowed students to return to an exam to view scores, go to your course test area, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and under "Submitted Assessments" you should be able to view your score in the "Score" column or click on the quiz title (which will be a link) to enter the submitted exam to review scores and any feedback.
If the instructor has added a grading tool, either the Gradebook or Post 'Em, then click on that tool in the Course Menu to your review scores.
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