Notice: Google@UH Storage Policy Changes for 'Ohana (Jun 23 10:28 am)


In 2021, Google announced a new storage policy which will move our Google domain from unlimited storage to pooled storage across all Google@UH accounts. As a result of Google’s change to pooled storage, as well as the discovery of some misuse of Google@UH resources, storage quotas are being instituted for all Google@UH accounts based on an individual’s affiliation with UH.

As an ‘Ohana user (no longer an active UH student, staff, faculty, or other affiliate) your Google@UH storage quota will be set to 7.5 GB.

On Monday, January 29, 2024, storage quotas will start being enforced, with service impact for ‘Ohana user accounts whose storage usage exceeds their 7.5 GB storage quota. 'Ohana users over their quota after enforcement begins may have their UH Username disabled and all data stored within their Google@UH account deleted (including emails stored in Gmail, documents stored in Drive, calendar and contacts data, etc.). We are notifying ‘Ohana users in advance of this change to provide impacted users with time to bring their Google@UH storage usage within their 7.5 GB storage quota before enforcement begins.

Please take action to ensure that you don’t suffer from any loss of data and/or loss of access by reviewing your storage usage prior to storage quota enforcement beginning on January 29, 2024. For more information on how this change impacts you and for help with reviewing and managing your storage usage, please visit