Digital Arts and Humanities Initiative Monthly Meeting

December 8, 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Sakamaki A-201 Add to Calendar

Please make time to attend our last meeting of the semester, featuring pecha kucha style presentations from HIST 400 and HIST 605.

It promises to be rapid-fire fun, in highly diversified intervals of 20s!

Tuesday December 8, 10:30am-1:30pm
History Library, Sakamaki A201


10:30-11:45 Students in The HIST 400, "Digital History in the Global Village" will present on their research for the semester.
Topics include:
"Love in the Age of Social Media”
"The History of Online Learning”
"The Life Cycle of Computers”
"History of the MP3”
"Online Martial Arts”

12pm-1:30pm Graduate students in HIST 605, “Digital Humanities” will present on their research projects for the semester:
"Beyond History Day: A K-12 Archive," Stacey Naipo
"Black Avatars, Analog and Digital," David Goldberg
"The Culture Hug: American adaptations of British sitcoms and what they reveal about the two cultures," Saul Roll-on

Event Sponsor
History, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Richard C. Rath, (808) 956-7139,,

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