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Last modified May 11, 2024
You are invited to the Keynote Address opening the 10th Annual International Open Access Week - 2017.
Please come and enjoy a cup of coffee and listen to Dr. Michael Bruno, the IVCAA, VCR at UH MÄnoa, discuss why Open Access matters at a R1 research university.
RSVP at http://bit.ly/2xXvvS5
Event Sponsor
UHM Libraries , Mānoa Campus
More Information
Beth Tillinghast, 808-956-6130, betht@hawaii.edu, http://guides.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/scholarly_communications/oanews, Open Access Week 2017 Keynote Speaker (PDF)
Monday, October 23 |
10:30am |
Epidemiology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Biomed D-207
11:00am |
ORE seminar - Ocean Renewable Energy Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 209
2:00pm |
Why Open Access Matters at a R1 Research University Mānoa Campus, Hamilton Library, 1st Floor Sunny Alcove
6:00pm |
LDTC Workshop Series Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 575