Drop-In Support Spaces: Near and Far: International Students
November 20, 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Zoom
Drop-In Spaces provide a virtual space to connect with other students around shared experiences. Drop-In Spaces are not therapy or treatment, do not require a commitment and are hosted via Zoom. UH students residing outside the state of Hawaii are welcome.
Near and Far: International Students is a welcoming space for international students to meet, connect with others, share experiences, and find support.
Register online to join.
Event Sponsor
Counseling and Student Development Center, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-7927, http://www.manoa.hawaii.edu/counseling/outreach/support_spaces.php
Friday, November 20
12:00pm |
Talk Story with Malama Project zoom
12:30pm |
Drop-In Support Spaces: Near and Far: International Students Mānoa Campus, Zoom
1:00pm |
Community Health Work: In Native Hawaiian and Pacific Island Communities Mānoa Campus, Online Event
1:00pm |
Got Kids? Catch up with SPAM Every Wednesday! Mānoa Campus, for meeting password email gotkids@hawaii.edu
2:00pm |
China and Southeast Asia's Borderlands, Sovereignty, and Land Use Mānoa Campus, Zoom
2:00pm |
Education Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/4045148239
2:00pm |
China and Southeast Asia's Borderlands, Sovereignty and Land Use Mānoa Campus, https://hawaii.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VwQu9Q33RbCaxxuxdjTr9Q
2:45pm |
East Asian Languages and Literatures (Final Oral) Mānoa Campus, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87468914676?pwd=VC8xaDFYSFlXUWVsTjFaN2RpZWNCZz09
3:30pm |
Earth Sciences Seminar Zoom Webinar
4:30pm |
Entrepreneurship live with Deena Tearney Mānoa Campus, Zoom
5:00pm |
Beginning Conversational Tagalog Mānoa Campus, Zoom
7:00pm |
SCEP Live Online Concert Series: Keauhou Mānoa Campus, Hosted by SCEP Live Online
7:30pm |
Flowers of Hawaii Mānoa Campus, Kennedy Theatre
9:30pm |
When We Were Young Mānoa Campus, Kennedy Theatre