AAUW Container Gardening Workshop
October 15, 3:00pm - 4:30pmMānoa Campus, St. Johnʻs Courtyard

The American Association of University Women at UH Mānoa (AAUW at UHM), in collaboration with the Office of Civic and Community Engagement, invites you to a gardening workshop, where we will be focusing on container gardens that you can keep on your lanai or at your window. Ten open spots are available. All you need to bring is gardening gloves and whatever containers you may want to recycle for use as planters. Other planters, seeds, and soil will be provided. The first 2 people to come will also get a window box planter! For more information please email aauw.uhmanoa@gmail.com. To register go to: https://bit.ly/39VxTfF
Ticket Information
Event Sponsor
Office of Civic and Community Engagement, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Kristina, 808-956-4641, aauw.uhmanoa@gmail.com. , https://manoa.hawaii.edu/undergrad/civic-engage/aauw-uhm/
Friday, October 15 |
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AAUW Container Gardening Workshop Mānoa Campus, St. Johnʻs Courtyard
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