The Politics of North Korea

April 19, 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Center for Korean Studies

Over the past month, North Korea has reemerged in headlines, prompting commentators, specialists, and students alike to puzzle over the causes of this new flurry of challenges and statements.

This panel, in addition to considering the history of U.S. ties with North Korea, will explore possible reasons behind the bold statements and challenges. It will also probe possible long-term scenarios and the need for a new strategy to resolve issues confronting Northeast Asia. The panel will consist of Tae-Ung Baik, UH assoc. prof. of law; Edward J. Shultz, dean of the UH School of Pacific and Asian Studies; Denny Roy, Northeast Asia security analyst at the East-West Center; and Steven Kim, assoc. prof. at the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies.

Ticket Information
Free and open to the public

Event Sponsor
Center for Korean Studies, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Michael Macmillan, 808-956-7041,,

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