1st Saturday Workday

October 6, 8:00am - 12:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Ka Papa Lo'i 'o Kānewai (2645 Dole Street)

Please join us every first Saturday this Fall 2018 Semester for our 1st Saturday Workday at Ka Papa Lo'i 'o Kānewai (9/1/18, 10/6/18, 11/3/18, 12/1/18).

Working together to learn and practice mālama ʻāina (caring for the land). Get into the loʻi kalo (taro patches), learn more about Kānewai and meet new people while working towards a unified goal of preserving our puʻuhonua (refuge for plants, animals and humans).

Mahalo to our event sponsor SAPFB (Student Activity & Program Fee Board) for their continued support!

Event Sponsor
SAPFB (Student Activity & Program Fee Board), Mānoa Campus

More Information
Ka Papa Lo'i 'o Kānewai, (808) 956-0640, kanewai@hawaii.edu, http://manoa.hawaii.edu/hshk/ka-papa-loi-o-kanewai/

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