SÄmoana Lecture Series
November 14, 11:00am - 12:30pmWest Oʻahu Campus, NÄulu Center
The inaugural SÄmoana Lecture Series highlights research on Samoan language, culture, history, and contemporary issues.
This semester's theme is "E au le inaʻilau a tamaʻitaʻi," a Samoan proverb that extols the ability of tamaʻitaʻi (women) to succeed and excel in any endeavor they undertake.
The three part series will highlight research conducted by three Samoan scholars, covering various topics, including indigenous land tenure in American SÄmoa, the status and power of women in (independent) SÄmoa, and domestic violence against women in contemporary Samoan society.
Lecture 1: "Land Rights and Law in American SÄmoa,"
Dr. Line-Noue Memea Kruse
Thursday, October 18 11AM-12:30PM
NÄulu Center, UH West OÊ»ahu
Lecture 2: "Ancestral Ethics and Samoanness: The Samoan American Women,"
Loau Tuiloma Dr. Luafata Simanu
Wednesday, October 31 11AM-12:30PM
NÄulu Center, UH West OÊ»ahu
Lecture 3: "Domestic Violence Against Women in Modern Day SÄmoa,"
Dr. Tina Tauasosi-Posiulai
Wednesday, November 14 11AM-12:30PM
Classroom D254, UH West Oʻahu
Ticket Information
Free and open to students, faculty, and the public
Event Sponsor
Humanities/Hawaiian-Pacific Studies/Samoan Classes, West Oʻahu Campus
More Information
Samoan Language Courses, (808) 689-2355, wosamoan@hawaii.edu
Wednesday, November 14 |
8:00am |
Education Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Wist 129
10:30am |
94 Mahalo! Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
10:30am |
Zoology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, ARCH 101A
11:00am |
SÄmoana Lecture Series West Oʻahu Campus, NÄulu Center
12:00pm |
AS(YOU)H Week Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Couryard
12:00pm |
ICS Speaker Series: Imperial Affects by Jonna Eagle Mānoa Campus, Burns Hall 2118
12:00pm |
China Research Seminar public talk Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 109
2:00pm |
Marine Biology Graduate Program Thesis Defense Mānoa Campus, POST 126
2:00pm |
Safe Zone Training: LGBTQ+ Safety and Inclusion Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Dining Room 203E
2:30pm |
T2EL How I Practice and Promote Self-Care for Myself and My Students Honolulu Campus, Building 2, Room 214 (Tues) Building 7, Room 533 (Wed)
3:00pm |
Thinking About Graduate or Professional School? Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services Rm. 212
3:30pm |
Atmospheric Sciences Seminar: Professor Steven Businger Mānoa Campus, Marine Sciences Building, MSB 100
4:00pm |
LGBTQ+ Coffee Hour Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center 208
4:00pm |
Faculty & Staff: Holiday Preview Event Mānoa Campus, Manoa Bookstore
4:30pm |
Survivors of the 1946 Tsunami Mānoa Campus, George Hall 212
4:30pm |
Chemistry Distinguished Alumni Seminar: Dr. Hing L. Sham Mānoa Campus, Bilger 150
5:30pm |
Evening Part Time JD Program Info Session Mānoa Campus, 2515 Dole Street, Moot Court Room
5:30pm |
"The Price of Free" film screening (Global Day of Action) Mānoa Campus, Crawford Hall, room 115
6:00pm |
Friends of the Waikiki Aquarium Distinguished Lecture Series Tenney Theater, St. Andrew's Priory, Honolulu
6:00pm |
Friends of Waikiki Aquarium Lecture Series - 2018 Eruption of Kilauea Volcano Tenney Theatre -The Cathedral of St. Andrew
6:00pm |
LDTC Closing Ceremony & Project Presentations Mānoa Campus, KamakakÅ«okalani Center for Hawaiian Studies
7:00pm |
Symphony of the Hawaiian Birds Neal Blaisdell Concert Hall
7:30pm |
Fall Footholds Dance Concert Mānoa Campus, Earle Ernst Lab Theatre