NSSE *Free* Yoga Event
March 3, 4:30pm - 4:30pm
Mānoa Campus, UHM Andrews Amphitheater
Enjoy this free yoga session at the majestic Andrews Amphitheater & learn about NSSE (the National Survey of Student Engagement)!
Please bring appropriate attire, a water bottle, & a yoga mat.
Freshmen & Seniors, search "NSSE" in your UH email to take the survey & tell us about your college experience. Prizes drawn on March 3!
Event Sponsor
Manoa Institutional Research Office, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Yang Zhang, (808) 956-5877, miro@hawaii.edu, https://manoa.hawaii.edu/miro/nsse/
Tuesday, March 3
9:00am |
Blood Bank of Hawaii Blood Drive Mānoa Campus, Campus Center, Executive Dining Room
10:00am |
Spring 2020 Career Fair Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Ballroom
12:00pm |
CANCELED: ISR Sustainable Cities Seminar Series Mānoa Campus, iLab (Building 37)
12:00pm |
East-West Toastmasters Leadership/Public Speaking Club Meeting Mānoa Campus, Hemenway Hall 215
12:00pm |
"War Crimes Trials in Japanese Lit.: The Question of Korean Representation... Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 319 (Tokioka Room), 1890 East-West Rd.
12:30pm |
Aina-to-Opu: Ulu Fries + Spicy Aioli West Oʻahu Campus, Student Organic Garden
1:00pm |
Ready. Set. Career Fair! Honolulu Campus, Bldg. 7, Rm. 309
2:30pm |
A Conversation with the Honorable Coral Wong Pietsch Mānoa Campus, Clinical Building William S. Richardson School of Law 2485 Dole Street
3:00pm |
Electrical Engineering Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Holmes 389
3:00pm |
Earth Sciences Dissertation Presentation and Defense Mānoa Campus, POST 723
3:00pm |
Geology & Geophysics Final Oral Mānoa Campus, POST 723
4:00pm |
Law School Information Session Mānoa Campus, 2515 Dole Street, Davis Levin Livingston Moot Courtroom
4:30pm |
NSSE *Free* Yoga Event Mānoa Campus, UHM Andrews Amphitheater