Is a Fulbright in Your Future? A Online Event for Faculty

March 25, 11:30am - 12:45pm
Mānoa Campus, Online

Presented online by:
Julie Taylor, PhD
Director of Academic Relations, Institute of International Education

The Fulbright Scholar Program sponsors grants for faculty and professionals to conduct research and teach in over 140 countries in order to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.

Manoa campus is fortunate to host an online event with Dr. Julie Taylor, an Outreach Representative on the Fulbright team at the Institute of International Education. This is a great opportunity to learn about the Fulbright Program from Fulbright staff!

Dr. Taylor's presentation will include:

  • An overview of Fulbright programs available for faculty and administrators
  • A review of the application and selection process
  • A discussion on best practices in promoting the program across campus

Event Sponsor
Office of Faculty Development and Academic Support, the Fulbright Association Hawaii Chapter, and the Institution for International Education , Mānoa Campus

More Information
(808) 956-9567,

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