UH SurveyShare

The University of Hawaii Information Technology Services (ITS) has licensed SurveyShare for UH Web-based survey and assessment needs. SurveyShare is a user-friendly tool for designing and conducting online surveys. Construct a survey either from scratch, or based on a variety of question templates. Send email invitations to potential respondents, and analyze responses in text and graphical form.

SurveyShare is entirely Web-based, and requires no special software to be installed on your computer; therefore, it is available to users of Windows, Macintosh, Linux and all other operating systems.

SurveyShare Features

  • Download the email addresses from your SurveyShare Address Book to your computer
  • Download your survey data into Microsoft Excel, and other formats
  • Your SurveyShare Address Book can hold up to 35,000 email addresses
  • Dispatch up to 20,000 email invitations per survey
  • Control when your surveys are active and access your results at any time
  • Unlimited number of questions per survey
  • Access to full versions of SurveyShare's carefully crafted templates
  • View individual results
  • Send follow up, thank you, and reminder email messages to your respondents
  • Presetting dates and times to schedule automatic survey reminders
  • Presetting of when to be reminded that your survey is completed
  • Pictures embedded in surveys

Request a SurveyShare Account

UH Faculty and staff may request a SurveyShare account by submitting the following UH SurveyShare Account Request form: University of Hawaii SurveyShare Account Request

Accounts are available for three (3) months.
(If needed, a year-long account can be purchased from SurveyShare; check this page for academic pricing:

Develop your survey questions and receive IRB approval (if applicable) PRIOR to requesting an account. If an individual/department wants an account for long-term use, please license your own copy directly from SurveyShare Inc. (http://surveyshare.com). Individual(s)/department(s) welcome to conduct survey using an ITS SurveyShare account to see if SurveyShare meets their needs prior to obtaining their own license from SurveyShare Inc.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The UH Institutional Review Board, Committee on Human Studies may need to pre-approve your survey project. The IRB serves as an objective third party, an oversight committee, governed by Federal Regulations with the purpose of protecting and managing risk to human participants involved in research. Although these regulations specifically apply only to federally funded research, the policy of the University of Hawaii is that all research conducted under its banner should meet the same standard.

Federal Guidelines allow for some research to be exempt from IRB review. Only the CHS Office / Committee Chair or designated member may approve exempt research. This document lists categories eligible for exempt reviews: expemptions list (PDF file).


You have the option to advertise an open survey to selected UH campus faculty/staff and/or students by submitting the following UH Broadcast form: https://www.hawaii.edu/broadcast/ (requires UH login)

Other UH email practices such as creating a mailing list can be found at the following ITS Help site: http://www.hawaii.edu/askus/1067

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q: Who can request a UH ITS SurveyShare account?
A: UH faculty/staff conducting UH sponsored surveys.

Q: When can I request a UH ITS SurveyShare account?
A: You can request an account anytime AFTER you have IRB approval (if applicable) AND survey questions have been developed.

Q: How do I request a UH ITS SurveyShare account?
A: Request a SurveyShare account by filling out and submitting the following UH ITS SurveyShare Account Request form: University of Hawaii SurveyShare Account Request

Q: How do I use SurveyShare?
A: SurveyShare is designed to be easy to learn and use. First, prepare your survey questions, then if applicable gain survey approval through IRB. After that task you'll need to request an account from ITS. The actual process of creating your first survey is a straightforward process of logging into your account, entering your survey questions, testing the survey, and addressing your survey to potential respondents. Finally, you activate your survey and start viewing responses as they arrive, in real time.

Q: Are survey templates available?
A: SurveyShare has over 200 survey templates available which are accessible once you receive your account. You can view them here:

Q: Are there tutorials I can view to help me work with SurveyShare?
A: SurveyShare has a Help page to assist you with developing and activating your survey, and with reviewing statistical information:


Q: How many users can access the survey at anyone time?
A: There is no limit.

Q: Can a survey be re-used?
A: Yes, you can save your original survey as a template which then can be edited and activated again at a later time.

Q: How do users access my survey?
A: SurveyShare offers a variety of methods for user access, all of which are based on participants going to a URL (web address) that is automatically created by SurveyShare upon survey activation:

  • Public Survey - respondent anonymously provides any email address
    For a Public survey respondents must provide an email address on the Opening Statement screen before accessing your survey questions. Any email address is allowed to respond once.
  • Private Survey - respondent anonymously provides authorized email address
    For a Private survey you have to enter the email addresses of your respondents into SurveyShare before they can participate.
  • Unique code Survey - respondent uses his own unique code to access your survey
    SurveyShare can generate unique codes which you would individually distribute to participants. Each code can only be used once.
  • Anonymous Survey - no information is collected from respondent
    For an Anonymous survey, no information is collected on the Opening Statement screen. Respondents click on a green Continue button to access your survey questions.
  • Kiosk Survey - no information is collected from respondent and no opening page is presented; repsondents go directly into the survey

Q: How long do I have access to my account?
A: ITS SurveyShare accounts are available for three months from the time you are approved. If an account is needed for a longer term, a yearly account can be purchased directly from SurveyShare. At the time of this writing, the academic price for yearly accounts is $149.99:


Q: How do I gain access to my survey results?
A: SurveyShare maintains all statistical information within your account. This information can be downloaded to your local computer for importing into a spreadsheet application.

Q: Can survey statistics be downloaded?
A: Yes, statistical information can be downloaded to your desktop and then imported into a spreadsheet application. Log into your account, click on "Survey Control", select the icon under "view results", then choose to "Download results to your computer".

Q: If users have technical difficulty in accessing my survey who do they contact?
A: Contact SurveyShare Inc. support at: help@surveyshare.com

Q: Does SurveyShare work with e-readers?
A: Using simple question types (e.g. those without scroll menus), respondents using e-readers like JAWS should be able to read SurveyShare's surveys.



UH ITS SurveyShare Admin (contact for questions concerning UH ITS SurveyShare account):

SurveyShare Inc.:

SurveyShare Inc. Technical Support: support@surveyshare.com