Publicizing the University’s equal opportunity and disability access policies is an important responsibility. If you have any questions on these guidelines or appropriate language, contact Jennifer Rose, Office of EEO/TIX, Executive Director,, (808) 956-7077; or Vanessa Ito, KOKUA Program Director,, (808) 956-7511 (V/T).*
*The following resources are for the UH Mānoa campus. For other campuses, please update the campus resources. A list of ADA Coordinators can be found at: A list of EEO Coordinators can be found at:
Equal Opportunity Policy Statement
An appropriate version of the UH Equal Opportunity Policy Statement should appear on all UH publications that reach out to students, employees, applicants, and members of the public. The following samples include abbreviated versions for use on a wide variety of materials.
Web Form
Use the following statement for all college and department websites, including a link to or to your department EEO resources page:
The University of Hawaiʻi is an Equal Opportunity Institution
Short Form
For stationery, fliers, short brochures, newspaper and TV ads promoting employment or educational programs:
The University of Hawaiʻi is an Equal Opportunity Institution
An Equal Opportunity Institution
Medium Form
Use the following statement for longer department or institute brochures or student handbooks where there is space for a policy statement. If the brochure is student-oriented and if space permits, include the contact information on equal opportunity personnel and disability student services:
The University of Hawaiʻi is an equal opportunity institution and is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, sex, gender identity and expression, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, disability, genetic information, marital status, breastfeeding, income assignment for child support, arrest and court record (except as permissible under State law), sexual orientation, national guard absence, status as a covered veteran, pregnancy, and domestic or sexual violence victim status. This policy covers admission and access to and participation, treatment, and employment in the University’s programs and activities. For more information on equal opportunity policies and complaint procedures for the UH Mānoa Campus, contact:
Students: Kapā Oliveira, Interim Vice Provost for Student Success, EEO & ADA Coordinator
Ph. – (808) 956-3290 (V/T); Email –
Jennifer Rose, Interim Title IX Coordinator
Ph. – (808) 956-2299; Email –
Students with Disabilities: Vanessa Ito, KOKUA Program Director
Ph. – (808) 956-7511 (V/T); Email –
Employees: Jennifer Rose, Executive Director, Interim Title IX Coordinator, EEO Coordinator, & ADA Coordinator
Ph. – (808) 956-7077; Email –
Full Policy Statement
For major publications like professional school catalogs and UH Mānoa Catalog, the following is recommended:
The University of Hawaiʻi is an equal opportunity institution and is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, sex, gender identity and expression, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, disability, genetic information, marital status, breastfeeding, income assignment for child support, arrest and court record (except as permissible under State law), sexual orientation, national guard absence, status as a covered veteran, pregnancy, or domestic or sexual violence victim status. This policy covers admission and access to and participation, treatment, and employment in the University’s programs and activities. With regard to employment, the University is committed to equal opportunity in all personnel actions such as recruitment, hiring, promotion, and compensation. Discriminatory harassment, including sexual harassment, is prohibited under University policy.
The University shall promote a full realization of equal opportunity through a positive, continuing program of nondiscrimination on each campus. As a government contractor, the University is committed to hiring and advancing in employment qualified persons with disabilities and covered veterans. For information on policies or complaint procedures for the UH Mānoa Campus, contact:
Kapā Oliveira
Interim Vice Provost for Student Success
EEO/AA & ADA Coordinator
Queen Liliʻuokulani Center (QLCSS) 409
(808) 956-3290 (V/T)
Jennifer Rose
Interim Title IX Coordinator
Office of Title IX
Hawaiʻi Hall 124
(808) 956-2299
Students with Disabilities:
Vanessa Ito
Director, KOKUA
(808) 956-7511 (V/T)
Gender Equity Specialist:
Jamie Newalu
(808) 956-9499
Jennifer Rose
Executive Director
Title IX, EEO & ADA Coordinator
Office of EEO/TIX
BioMed T310
(808) 956-7077
Civil Rights Specialist:
Jill Nunokawa
(808) 956-4431
UH Mānoa recognizes its obligation to provide equal access to programs, services, and activities to students with disabilities. Contact the KOKUA Program for accessibility information and services.
Disability Access Statement
Publications such as University/college/department course bulletins, program brochures, schedule of classes, newsletters, instructional materials, and examinations must be provided in alternate formats upon request from persons with print disabilities. The KOKUA Program will assist with document transcription of instructional materials (including examinations) and will advise departments on how to prepare non-instructional materials. Examples of alternate formats are large print, audiotape, electronic media, Braille, live reading, etc. Include the following notice on the publications:
Available in alternate format upon request for persons with print disabilities. Call [phone#] for assistance. (Include phone contact unless noted elsewhere in publication.)
Conferences and events: Designate a staff member to handle requests for reasonable accommodations. Include the following announcement in registration forms, brochures, fliers, or invitations:
For disability accommodations, contact [name] at [phone#]. Advance notice requested (or specify a date).
Course syllabi: Indicate the professor’s willingness to accommodate students with disabilities:
Disability Access: Students are invited to speak with me privately and to contact the KOKUA Program at (808) 956-7511 (Voice/Text), QLCSS 013. KOKUA is responsible for facilitating accommodations for students with documented disabilities.