Free Screening: "216 Beach Walk, Waikiki" With Director + Panel
April 10, 6:30pm - 8:00pmMānoa Campus, Art Building, Room 101

by Alan Marcus (2018, 30mins)
Tuesday, April 10, 6:30 - 8:00pm
UH Manoa ART Building (Room 101)
The film's title refers to the former address of author Jack London during his final year in Hawaii in 1915 when he was stimulating interest in the islands through his writings. By chance, the same location is now the back door of Trump Int’l Hotel Waikiki. In the film, high-rise developments serve as magnified totems for a heavily congested urban environment fuelled by Waikiki’s fabled touristic appeal. The film questions this interpretation of a paradisiacal paradigm in what could otherwise be termed a post-traumatic site, drawing on the creation and toxicity of the Ala Wai Canal as a potent metaphorical comment. This research project received funding from the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland.
Alan Marcus is a film practitioner, cultural historian and Professor of Film and Visual Culture at the University of Aberdeen.
+ Sean Connelly is a Honolulu-based Pacific Islander American designer and creative producer from O‘ahu. Sean is an active architect and artist; he is Director of After Oceanic and an Associate at Islander Institute, where his combined work strives to promote justice-advancing futures.
+ Ross W. Stephenson 's research covers the development of Waikiki from 1890-1959. Topics include applicable planning theory, population growth, public input, government policy and decisions, investment, infrastructure and the resulting change in the physical landscape. He has participated in community projects including land use planning, reforestation, cemetery restoration, building rehabilitation, economic revitalization, and resource nominations to both the Hawai‘i State and National Registers of Historic Places. He is a former Historian for the Hawai‘i Historic Preservation Office of State Department of Land and Natural Resources.
Event Sponsor
Art + Art History, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Gaye MG Chan, (808) 255-2654,,
Tuesday, April 10 |
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