MARCH 2020
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Last modified May 11, 2024
Oftentimes, taxes is the last item new founders tackle. Knowing taxability issues and establishing good habits for tax filing from the start is highly encouraged for new business owners. As a CPA who held her own private practice, Maria will visit the UH Manoa campus to teach new venture founders tax basics they need to know. She has helped many founders throughout her career, and is enthusiastic to share her knowledge with new business owners.
This event is co-hosted with Hawaii Student Entrepreneurs and open to all UH students and faculty.
Ticket Information
Event Sponsor
Shidler College of Business - PACE, Mānoa Campus
More Information
PACE, 8089565083,,
Tuesday, March 24 |
9:30am |
Nursing Practice Final Oral Mānoa Campus,
10:00am |
Nursing Practice Final Oral Mānoa Campus,
12:00pm |
Hawaii Opioid Initiative Webinar Mānoa Campus, Online Webinar through Zoom
12:00pm |
Linguistics Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Zoom Video Conferencing, Link Below
2:00pm |
Linguistics Final Oral Mānoa Campus,
4:30pm |
Tax Basics for New Venture Founders Mānoa Campus, BusAd E402
5:00pm |
POSTPONED ~ Atua: Polynesian Ancestors, Stars and Temples Mānoa Campus, Refer to flyer.
5:30pm |
CCBAC's Taste of Manoa - CANCELLED Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
6:00pm |
The Social Space of the Headlight Mānoa Campus, ARCH 205