Oceanography Seminar - Rosie Alegado
October 18, 3:00pm - 4:15pm
Mānoa Campus, Marine Science Building 114
“NÄ Kilo Honua o HeÊ»eia: Patterns and drivers of bacterioplankton community dynamics in a substropical estuarine systemâ€
In HawaiÊ»i, the transition from customary subsistence flooded taro agroecosystems, which regulate stream discharge rate trapping sediment and nutrients, to a plantation-style economy (c. the 1840s) led to nearshore sediment deposition - smothering coral reefs and destroying adjacent coastal fisheries and customary fishpond mariculture. To mitigate sediment transport, Rhizophora mangle was introduced in estuaries across Hawai’i (c. 1902) further altering fishpond ecosystems. Initiated in 2007, NÄ Kilo Honua o HeÊ»eia (HeÊ»eia Coastal Observing System) has conducted monthly (or more frequent) sampling and maintained in situ instruments to record physical and biogeochemical variability in HeÊ»eia Fishpond and the adjacent coastal ocean. HeÊ»eia Fishpond is a tropical coastal estuarine embayment in KÄneÊ»ohe Bay on the island of OÊ»ahu constructed by Native Hawaiians over 800 years ago. The physical structure of the fishpond as an enclosed embayment with portals constrains flow of freshwater from HeÊ»eia Stream and marine sources, in effect, functioning as an estuarine mesocosm embedded within the natural coastal environment. The mesocosm-type environment provided by HeÊ»eia Fishpond permits a degree of experimental control not achievable in an unconfined coastal system, enabling quantitation of land-based inputs and on near shore resources. We have established baseline physical and biogeochemical conditions from which perturbations from baseline due to invasive species removal (mangrove and macroalgae), fishpond restoration, and seasonal storm impacts have been quantified; recently we have begun to incorporate long-term climate patterns into our analysis. Here, we examine the impact of cultural restoration between 2012-2018 at HeÊ»eia Fishpond as well as the impact of first storm of the 2014 Pacific Hurricane season on microbial community dynamics.
Event Sponsor
Oceanography Department , Mānoa Campus
More Information
Phil Thompson, (808) 956-6574, philiprt@hawaii.edu, http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/oceanography/seminar.html, Oceanography Seminar - Rosie Alegado (PDF)
Thursday, October 18
10:00am |
RIO Involvement Fair Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Complex and Courtyard
11:00am |
Land Rights and Law in American SÄmoa West Oʻahu Campus, NÄulu Center UH West OÊ»ahu
11:00am |
SÄmoana Lecture Series West Oʻahu Campus, NÄulu Center
12:00pm |
"Kihawahine: Shapeshifting Life and Afterlife of Maui's Famous Akua Mo'o." Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 409A
1:00pm |
Hookani Kulanui: Danny Carvalho West Oʻahu Campus, Campus Center, Dining Hall
1:00pm |
HIPAA and Protecting Health Information Mānoa Campus, UH Cancer Center, Sullivan Center
1:30pm |
Tips & Guidelines For Preparing Conference Posters Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 106 Events Room
3:00pm |
Oceanography Seminar - Rosie Alegado Mānoa Campus, Marine Science Building 114
4:00pm |
Finding Common Sound Mānoa Campus, Center for Korean Studies
5:30pm |
On Hawaiian Sovereignty & Indigenous Politics Mānoa Campus, Saunders 624
6:30pm |
Hanauma Bay Educational Lecture Series Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve Theater
7:30pm |
AIA Archaeology Lecture--Profs. John and Colleen Darnell Doris Duke Theatre, Honolulu Museum of Art