ICS Speaker Series: Imperialism and Islands by Derrick Higginbotham
October 24, 12:00pm - 1:15pm
Mānoa Campus, Burns Hall 2118
International Cultural Studies Graduate Certificate Program (ICS) presents the Fall 2018 Faculty Speaker Series.
In this paper, Dr. Higginbotham focuses on England’s engagement with the Maluku islands in the South Pacific from the 1570s to the 1620s in order to reflect critically on the complex nexus of race, gender, and sexuality within depictions of their imperial ventures
Please visit our website at http://manoa.hawaii.edu/internationalculture/speaker-series.html for a complete list of speaker series!
Event Sponsor
International Cultural Studies Graduate Certificate Program, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Please email us, culture@hawaii.edu, http://manoa.hawaii.edu/internationalculture/
Wednesday, October 24
10:00am |
Fall 2018 Grad Fair Mānoa Campus, Manoa Bookstore
12:00pm |
ICS Speaker Series: Imperialism and Islands by Derrick Higginbotham Mānoa Campus, Burns Hall 2118
3:30pm |
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3:30pm |
Earth Sciences Thesis Defense Mānoa Campus, POST 723
3:30pm |
ORE Seminar: Innovation and the Ocean with Dr. Sullivan, Oceanit CEO & Founder Mānoa Campus, Watanabe 112
3:30pm |
ПоÑиделки: Russia through the arts! Mānoa Campus, Moore 252
4:00pm |
LGBTQ+ Coffee Hour Mānoa Campus, Queen Liliuokalani Center 208
5:30pm |
Global Chef 2018 - Colombia Mānoa Campus, Hale Aloha Cafe, Gateway Cafe, Campus Center Lanai
5:30pm |
Age of Consequences Mānoa Campus, Art Auditorium
5:30pm |
Flavors of Colombia - Global Chef 2018 Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Lanai
6:00pm |
Native Hawaiian Scholarship 'Aha Community Learning Center at MÄ‘ili, 87790 Kulauku St, Waianae, HI 96792