Teaching Assistant Training (TAT)
January 4, 2023 - January 4, 2022Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 106 Events Room and Kuykendall 101 Auditorium
Teaching Assistant Training is mandatory for new TAs. Experienced TAs from several departments will be available throughout the training program. Topics include: Experienced TA panel, Undergraduate Student Panel on Teaching and Learning, Rights and Responsibilities of TAs, International TAs Experiences, Teaching Your Own Class or Lab, Classroom Management Skills, Grading and Assessing Student Work, Professional and Ethical Issues, Teaching in a Multicultural Environment, Encouraging Active Learning and Facilitating Effective Discussions, UH as a Hawaiian Place of Learning, Library and Technology Resources for Teaching, and more!
Event Sponsor
Center for Teaching Excellence, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Kathie Kane, 808-956-6978, cte@hawaii.edu, http://www.cte.hawaii.edu, Enter Title Here (PDF)