Engaging China Through Academic and Educational Exchanges at UHM
April 9, 2:30pm - 3:30pmMānoa Campus, Moore Hall 155B
CCS is delighted to announce that we will, again, participate in the NCUSCR organized China Town Hall event on April 9 this year, which will feature US Secretary of State, Kurt Campbell for the main national livestream 1 – 2 pm (HI time) and for which over 60 US partner institutions have already signed up as co-hosts. Unlike last year, when CCS participated in the main livestream that featured Nicolas Burns, US Ambassador to China, this year CCS and SPAS will jointly co-host this CTH on 4/9/24 and also tag on our own “local China Town Hall” hybrid event featuring a small discussion group with Peggy Blumenthal, Senior Counselor to the CEO of the Institute of Education, and the following CCS/SPAS faculty and UHM Administrator: Prof. Baoyan Cheng, EC member/CCS faculty, College of Education, Dept of Educational Foundations Prof. Cathy Clayton, SPAS & CCS faculty, Asian Studies Dr. Brent White, Chief Global Officer, Office of Global Engagement Our “small discussion group” has submitted a set of questions for the main CTH livestream event and, if we are selected (chances are good), we will be featured during the Q&A portion of the main CTH livestream event for the entire nation to see. During our own local CTH event, 2:30 – 3:30 pm, the small discussion group will provide their feedback on Kurt Campbell’s comments and then focus on questions related to the future of international education/exchanges at UHM and within the US. We will stream the national China Town Hall event from 1 – 2 pm in Moore Hall 155B where our local CTH event will take place afterwards using a hybrid format and starting at 2:30 pm. If you wish to attend in-person and watch the national livestream with us, please come to the location at 1 pm.
Event Sponsor
Center for Chinese Studies, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 956-8891, uhccs@hawaii.edu, https://forms.gle/iuXqbZ3FsuuvXqpj6, China Town Hall flyer (PDF)
Tuesday, April 9 |
9:00am |
Education Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Wist 233, Zoom Mtg info below, pwd=THNlekFmQ2h6ODR6NTd2dm5zV3Vhdz09
9:30am |
Astronomy Final Oral Mānoa Campus, IfA Manoa Auditorium
10:00am |
Life's a Wonder--A Mental Health Event Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
11:00am |
Geography & Environment Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 258
12:00pm |
GETSEA Simulcast Film Screening with the Bophana Center Mānoa Campus, Hamilton Library, 306
12:00pm |
Theatre Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Tokioka Room (Moore Hall 319)
1:00pm |
Engaging China Through Academic and Educational Exchanges at UHM Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 155B
1:30pm |
Sewing Workshop: Reusable Period Products Mānoa Campus, 2600 Campus Road
2:30pm |
Engaging China Through Academic and Educational Exchanges at UHM Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 155B
3:00pm |
Articulating Foundations Written Comm. & Writing Intensive in UH GenEd Mānoa Campus, Online
3:00pm |
Atmospheric Sciences Final Oral Mānoa Campus, POST 414