The HCDP is a product of hardwork and dedication from a vast number of individuals from a range of institutions and organizations in Hawaii and beyond. Research scientists, field technicians and community members have all helped to pave the way for the HCDP. We recognize the following individuals for their past and/or ongoing contributions that support climate monitoring and data dissemination efforts in Hawaii. 

We also welcome suggestions to add to this list of contributors (Send suggestions to

University of Hawaiʻi 

Information Technology Services

Gwen Jacobs

Sean Cleveland

Jared McLean

Michael Dodge II

Michelle Choe

Maria Dumanlang

Shivani Tanaka

University of Hawaiʻi Hilo

Rebecca Ostertag

James Juvik

Johnathan Price

Honolulu Community College

John Delay

Clark University

Abby Frazier 

University at Albany-SUNY

Oliver Elison Timm 

Stanford University

Peter Vitousek 

University of California Santa Barbara

Oliver Chadwick 

USDA Natural Resources Conservations Service 

Carolyn Wong 

University of Arizona 

Katie Kamelamela 

Conservation Science Partners 

Shelley Crausbay

Citizen Scientist 

Glenn Bauer 

HaleNet Climate Network

HaleNet Field Technicians 

Kathy Wakelee

Sabine Jessel

Bill Minysard 

Chuck Chimera

Phillip Thomas

Paul Krushelnycky

Stephanie Joe

Forrest Starr

Kim Starr

Trae Menard

David Penn

Dennis Nullet

Mike Nullet

John Delay

Ryan Longman

Ryan Mudd

Windward Aviation

Don Shearer

Duke Baldwin


Lloyd Loope

Gordon Tribble

Art Medieros

Haleakalā National Park

Natalie Gates

Ron Nagata

Ted Rodriques

Steve Anderson

Matt Brown

Terry Lind

Timmy Bailey

Clinton Fukushima

Ross Hart

Sean Birney

Liz Gordon

Mark Rentz

Peter Kafka

Don Reeser

Marilyn Parris

Sarah Creachbaum

Natalie Gates

UH Kula Ag. Experimental Station

Dave Oka

Haleakalā Ranch

Scott Meindell

Ulupalakua Ranch

Sumner Erdman

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Water Resources Research Center 

Thomas Giambelluca

Matt Lucas

Aimee Schriber 

Christopher Shuler 

Sayed Bateni

Jonghyun (Harry) Lee

Aurora Kagawa-Viviani

Ryan Longman

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management 

Yin-Phan Tsang

Creighton Litton

Tomoaki Miura

Clay Trauernicht

Yufen Huang


Darren Learner

Rosie Alegado

Department of Hawaiian Studies 

Noelani Puniwai

Department of Atmospheric Sciences

Alison Nugent

Giuseppe Torri

Pao-Shin Chu

Steven Businger

Yi-Leng Chen

Thomas Schroeder

International Pacific Research Center 

Chunxi Zhang

Xiao Luo 

Department of Geography and Environment 

Thomas Giambelluca

Mike Nullet 

Aurora Kagawa-Viviani 

Han Tseng

Henry Diaz

David Beilman

Qi Chen

Department of Plant and Environment Protection Sciences

Paul Krushelnycky 

Department of Oceanography

Charles Fletcher

Brian Glazer


UHM Department of Geography and Environment

Tom Giambelluca

Mike Nullet 

Ryan Mudd

Honolulu Community College

John Delay

Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park 

Sierra McDaniel

Mark Wasser

Rhonda Loh 

HIPPNET Climate Network

UHM Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management 

Creighton Litton

USDA Forest Service

Christian Giardina

Susan Cordell

Robert Hegemann

University of California Los Angeles

Lawren Sack 

University of Hawaiʻi Hilo (UHH) 

Rebecca Ostertag

East-West Center

Ryan Longman

Derek Ford

Keri Kodama

Honolulu Board of Water Supply

Barry Usagawa

Nancy Matsumoto

Commission for Water Resource Management

Kaleo Manuel

Neal Fujii

Ayron Strauch

Ulupono Initiative

Jeremy Kimura

United States Fish and Wildlife Service

Jeff Burgett 

USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center

Delwyn Oki

Alan Mair

Kolja Rotzoll

Heidi Kane

John Hoffman

USGS Pacific Islands Ecosystem Research Center 

Gordon Tribble

Lucas Fortini 

USGS Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center

Mari-Vaughn Johnson

Heather Kerkering

NOAA National Weather Service 

Kevin Kodama

Ulu Mau Puanui

Kehaulani Marshall

Rainfall Atlas of Hawaiʻi 

UHH Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences

Jonathan Price

UHM Department of Atmospheric Sciences

Pao-Shin Chu

Yi-Leng Chen

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado

John Eischeid

Idaho State University

Donna Delparte

Oregon State University

Christopher Daly

Evapotranspiration of Hawaiʻi 

UHM Department of Geography and Environment

Thomas Giambelluca 

Abby Frazier 

Ryan Longman

Qi Chen 

Indiana University 

Mallory Barnes 

Northrop Grumman Corporation

Randy Allis


Xiufu Shuai

Idaho State University

Donna Delparte