UH Commission on the Status of Women
Sexual/Relationship Violence Survey
During the 2010 academic year, the commission, in conjunction with UH President M.R.C Greenwood, conducted a survey to determine levels of sexual and relationship violence experienced in the lives of University of Hawaii students throughout the 10-campus system.
The commission issued findings for all 10 UH campuses based on a survey implemented at the Manoa campus in fall 2003 by the Program Against Violence to Women.
The survey results were collected from students in random lecture courses that had large attendances relative to the campus population. Instructors allowed class time for the survey to be given.
Download survey results for each campus:
- UH Hilo: Survey Responses
- UH Manoa: Survey Responses
- UH Maui College: Survey Responses
- UH West Oahu: Survey Responses
- Hawaii Community College: Survey Responses
- Honolulu Community College: Survey Responses
- Kapolani Community College: Survey Responses
- Kauai Community College: Survey Responses
- Leeward Community College: Survey Responses
- Windward Community College: Survey Responses