The Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) positions include professional, non-faculty type positions that require a baccalaureate degree such as research associates, educational specialists, administrative officers, auxiliary and facilities services officers, and human resources specialists.

The APT classification structure consists of functional descriptions and job titles. The functional descriptions are intentionally broad and designed to be liberally interpreted to encompass a range of positions characteristic of a field of endeavor or subject area. Job titles describe a position’s work in terms of the primary purpose, nature, complexity and role of work.

The APT positions are assigned to 1 of 4 pay bands based on work complexity and scope of responsibility.

The Vice Presidents and Chancellors are delegated authority to classify APT positions.

Functional Descriptions

Functional descriptions are groupings of APT positions that share a common focus and purpose in a particular field or discipline of work. Groupings are intentionally broad and include a wide range of APT positions, but maintain similar functionality.

Learn more about each of the APT Functional Descriptions and Job Titles (UH login required)

  • Academic Support
  • Health and Safety
  • Athletics
  • Campus Operations
  • Planning Design and Construction
  • Information Technology
  • Administrative Support
  • Student Support
  • Media Design and Production
  • Communications Publications and Marketing
  • Research Support

Job Titles

A job title is a description of a position’s nature and function of work in accordance with the designated functional description and band. A job title may not be a working title; a job title is reflected in the PeopleSoft system and organizational chart, while a working title is not reflected in PeopleSoft and the organizational chart.