Title IX & Workplace Non-Violence Online Trainings: Gap in availability from 12/27/22 through January or February 2023
Please be advised that there will be a short gap in online training availability after December 27, 2022, while our … Continued
The University of Hawaiʻi is committed to maintaining and promoting safe and respectful campus environments that are free from sex discrimination and gender-based violence.
Interim AP 1.204 provides an administrative complaint procedure for the University of Hawaiʻi for the prompt and equitable resolution of … Continued
UH Student Campus Climate Survey Regarding Sexual Harassment & Gender-Based Violence What is campus climate?
Check out the Title IX brochure for resources and information. Download Brochure
Sexual Harassment, under Title IX, is defined as conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of … Continued
Please be advised that there will be a short gap in online training availability after December 27, 2022, while our … Continued
University of Hawaiʻi President David Lassner shared a message on August 31 to all UH students. Aloha University of Hawaiʻi students, As a member of the … Continued